1st Trimester

Tonight: not worried about the not-drinking BUT..

I AM worried about PASSING OUT at 9pm, which I have been doing for the past week.  It will be a miracle if I make it to midnight!!  Anyone else?  Tips to stay awake??

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Re: Tonight: not worried about the not-drinking BUT..

  • I'm right there with you!  My SIL told me they would have the guest bed all made up for me so I could take a nap:) 
  • Dido! I plan on taking a little cat nap and having my hubby wake me up later. So I don't feel like a complete loser! LOL
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  • I am worried about the same thing!  I took a nap just a little bit ago and maybe that will help otherwise...I don't know!   Sometimes if I check the time I suddenly feel tired so maybe try avoiding knowing what time it is (I know thats hard on NYE because thats like the focus). 
  • Luckily we will be taking DS with us. He is the perfect excuse to leave a lame party early =D
  • same thought has been worrying me!

    I barely survived Midnight Mass on Christmas eve!

    luckily we're going over to another couples house.  There will only be 5 of us.  They'll understand if I crash on the couch!

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    IUI #1 - #4 (repronex trigger) = BFN
    IUI#5 on 10/28/2008 ** BFP 11/10/08 ** EDD 07/21/09 *** It's a GIRL (07/14/09) AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    med/treatment free BFP 06/28/10. EDD 03/05/11 *** GIRL #2 (02/23/11)
    beta#1 @ 17dpo = 1296 .... beta#2 @ 19dpo = 3034
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    it's the Bug and Baby Belle!
  • This will be me.   I pass out around 8:30 here lately.   So we will see.
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  • I'm worried too! A few of my friends know, but a frienemy/coworker who will be there tonight doesn't. She's 32 weeks, so she's freshly familiar with signs of early pregnancy. Oh, well - if she figures it out, it'll just spread around the office before I'm ready. I'm not going to pass up sleep just to keep it secret!
  • I'm not even going to pretend to try to stay awake.  DH and I are staying home for the holiday instead of going out so we will be celebrating the East Coast New Years, we live in CA but there is no way I am going to make it till midnight.  So when the ball drops in NYC we will be toasting here at 9:00!!! Wink
  • I am so exhausted now...I can't emagine 8 hours from now...It is impossible. I wish I could just go to bed, but we have plans with a few friends...
  • I already took a nap earlier today, and I'll probably take another one before we go out. I promised my DH that I'd play designated driver before I realized how tired I would get. I can't believe how fatigued I am this early on! Luckily for me, he's being really sweet and said if I start getting tired, we'll just come home.
  • I wish I had some ideas for you--but my bed is already calling my name!
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