Ok ladies...this is sure to get a response! I was watching the news this morning and a story came on about a very well known networking site banning pictures of women breastfeeding. Apparently some woman posted a picture to her facebook account of her breastfeeding her baby and World War 3 broke out! Here's the link if you guys are interested in reading the story. One person said it was "inappropriate and obseen." PLEASE! It's natural!! Drama drama drama...what do you guys think?
Re: Breastfeeding Controversy!!
I didn't read the link, but there is nothing gross or sexual about breastfeeding. It's what they're there for and it's FEEDING a CHILD! If people worry about that, then I guess they're lucky they dont' have more important things to worry about in life. Everyone should just mind their own business.
SO stupid but I don't see why the huge controversy...Livejournal (which has been around WAY before Facebook/Myspace) did this a few years ago. Breastfeeding pics cannot be the default pic.
They should all MYOB but really, its not the first time this crap has happened.
Bb's are made for feeding babies. It might be kinda weird to post it on Facebook, but there are much worse posted on there. I don't see why people are so darn sensitive about breast feeding.
So freaking stupid. If you are going to ban pics of breastfeeding, then I don't want to see your kid getting a bottle either.
Whatever. BFing is natural.
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
I BF DD, so obviously I don't have an issue with any such pictures. I'm not sure why you'd post them on a social network, but whatevs.
What's crazy about this whole thing is that there are far more "indecent" pictures being posted by teenagers and college co-eds, yet they remain up. Go figure.
I agree. There are way worse pics posted out there. I plan on breastfeeding, but the last thing I would do is take a pic during, and especially not post it online. Although I rarely post pics of my DD online cause all the pervs out there anymore.
So is sex, but you can't post pictures of that.
Honestly, though, I don't see what the big deal is. I'm super anti-censorship to begin with anyway, but personally, I find absolutely nothing indecent about a picture of a mother breastfeeding her baby. One of my friends has several photos of her breastfeeding her son on her MySpace.
our country is way the hell too conservative. People need to get over it. They are boobs.. who cares?? As if everyone hasn't seen them before.
I think this sort of thing just makes the whole breastfeeding issue and women feeling comfortable doing it in public more and more difficult.
I BF my son as well but never had any actual pictures of it, I'm just modest like that. However, it doesn't offend me to see others....BUT the half naked skank shots of are much more sexually explicit and go untouched...hmmm!
My thoughts exactly. Funny how it's our country that makes such a stink about this when other countries view it as natural.