1st Trimester

I know its just a food commerical.....

Just saw a KFC commerical and seriously almost heaved....bleh!! Just the thought of fried chicken, biscuits and gravy is nauseating!

Gingerale and goldfish crackers it is....woo!!

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Re: I know its just a food commerical.....

  • I had a craving for biscuits and mashed potatoes like a week ago and I stopped there it was the most horrible thing I've ever eatten. I did like the buscuit at least.
  • Have you seen those bowls you can get with mashed potatoes, gravy, deep-fried breaded chicken, corn, and cheese all in the same bowl??? My DH always sees that and drools but I'm sorry, I think that is overkill!
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  • imagemrs. remy <3:
    Have you seen those bowls you can get with mashed potatoes, gravy, deep-fried breaded chicken, corn, and cheese all in the same bowl??? My DH always sees that and drools but I'm sorry, I think that is overkill!
    Oh I know, so nasty!! I thought it was gross before I was pregnant but now...ack!!
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  • My cousin loves them! He eats them all the time! It must be a boy thing!
  • Ew. KFC is gross but some real fried chicken sounds delicious right now! JoJos, cole slaw.. yum!! I think DH and I are making quesadillas tonight before we go out to a NY's party.
  • imagemrs. remy <3:
    Have you seen those bowls you can get with mashed potatoes, gravy, deep-fried breaded chicken, corn, and cheese all in the same bowl??? My DH always sees that and drools but I'm sorry, I think that is overkill!

    Haha, I love those things! I think maybe it comes from being raised in the deep South or something.

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