
Betas are in...

First off... I want to say how much I love you all and how thankful I am to have found this board and all of your support, advice, and thoughts since I've been here. I really think I would not be here today without being here for awhile.

And I wanted to update all of my friends here on my betas because I think things are looking good so far...

My Dr. just called me herself which I was so touched by because the one I switched from I never saw, let alone talked to on the phone! She was so excited for us and told me my beta Monday was in the low 2,000's (I can't remember the number, I was too freaked out/excited) and today, less than 48 hrs later it's 4,500 something!

My acupuncturist was worried about my progesterone levels so we checked those and it's 16.4 which Dr. was very happy with.  I got next Wednesday for my second u/s where we'll hopefully see a little more than we saw on Monday!


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