Parenting after a Loss

Where did your baby sleep the first few weeks?

Hi ladies!   I can't believe I'm a mommy!   :)   So, Natalie does not like the PNP (we were going to use it as a bassinet for a while) - I think it's too open for her.   She loves to sleep in her swing, or even the carseat.   I feel kind of silly having her sleep in a swing but it seems to be the only thing she likes.   So right now, I'm spending nights in the living room with her in the swing and me on the couch.   How long could this continue?   At what point did your baby move to something more open?
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Where did your baby sleep the first few weeks?

  • My DD spent her 1st 4 weeks in the NICU and she was in an isolette and then a small open crib. When she came home she was in her bassinett and napped in a craddle. They were also small with not much open space. She went into her crib at 3 months old, naps in PNP at my dad's while i work and now wont sleep in anything too narrow.

    There are plenty of babies that spend their firsts weeks in a swing so I wouldnt feel silly. Just go with whatever is comfortable for them! Her sleeping is the most important!!

  • hi and congrats!

    well until about 4-5 weeks we did the swing half the night and me holding her the other half... my son was the same way.  after that was over and i missed my bed, haha, she slept more and more hours straight in the car seat.  we were up to 7-8 hours if i put her in there!  this week, i put a pillow under half her mattress, swaddled her and put her in her crib and she'll do 4 hours, wake up and then 4 more hours or so.  i miss the straight sleep but i'm thinking this will pay off by having her being used to sleeping in her crib, eventually.

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  • oh yeah, and we had a small bassinet for DS but it was a family thing my grandpa made and we don't have it this time around.  he slept in it until about 3.5 months or so, then moved to a crib. 

  • If the swing works, go for it!  At a few weeks, really, go with whatever works.

    For us, at first DD slept in a small basinnet in the living room during the day, then in the larger cradle/bassinet at night.  She was in a sleep positioner which helped her feel more secure.  After a couple of weeks SIL gave us their cradle swing, which was great... at that point getting DD to sleep became more of a challenge, and the swing worked wonders.  At about 2 months we did away with the swing/basinnet and transitioned to the crib.

  • DD was in her bassinett for a while. When she wouldn't sleep there, she'd sleep in the swing or bouncy seat in our room. Fisher price makes a bassinet and rocks gently and I'm totally buying that for this baby.
  • Kiran is in a cradle by our bed. ?Have you thought about a sleep positioner? ?I think it really helps him feel secure and "held."
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  • DD is 11 weeks and still sleeps in a swing.  We have one in her room that swings from side to side.  I got it off Freecycle!  She has reflux and hates sleeping on her back.  The pedi said to let her sleep in the swing until 4 months and then we will break her of the habit.  Right now, she sleeps from 9-5 straight through in that thing so you can imagine my reluctance to try the crib!
  • DD slept where ever she wanted. LOL So if that meant on me, in my bed, etc. It didn't matter to me as long as she slept. Most of the time though she was in her bassinet next to my bed.?
  • The first week, he only slept on me or DH's chest.  The next two weeks were spent on the couch with DS in either the carseat or swing.  Between week 3 - 4, he moved to the crib and has been there since! 

    Natalie is so cute!

  • Uh oh.  My answer looks different.

    Floor of the jungle, Tikal highlands, between us.

    Thank God we are home! 

  • We had a vibrating bassinet that she loved at first. But once she started moving around in her sleep we had to take her out because she kept slamming her body up against the sides of it. She's been in the PNP in our bedroom until a few days ago. Now she is in her crib.
  • Ours slept in the pack n play bassinett for the first 6 weeks and then we transitioned them to their room and cribs.


  • DS sleeps in his carseat, and short naps in his crib swaddled (like an hour at a time....) If I want him to stay asleep, its the carseat, I think he likes the "close" feeling....

    Got a swing today, going to see if he likes it....

  • we had serious sleep issues and for nearly 8 weeks ben would only sleep on me!  so it was 8 weeks of couch dwelling.  :-/  for now, go ahead and let her sleep where she will.  can you move the swing into your room?  good luck!  i hope you get some good sleep!
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