I had my blood drawn for 2nd beta this morning. I went in at 6;45 in hopes that it would get finished in time to get results to my RE's office before they closed. well, I called the lab at the hospital and the machine they run the blood on is broke! It will probably be 5;30 before it is fixed! Well RE's office closed 2 minutes ago, at 2:00. My nurse put on the lab order that I am allowed to receive the results, so I guess I'll just find out on my own. I am so nervous, I hope everything is ok. What are the chances?????? This sounds crazy, but I asked the lab lady if the blood would be ok/accurate, that I was afraid it would go stagnant or something waiting all that time!!
So I will rely on you ladies to reassure me once we get #'s back. I'm going to plug the #'s in to one of those beta calculators. I'll probably call back around 4:30-5:00 or so. We wanted to tell our families tonight! UGH. I want my results!!
Re: No 2nd Beta Yet, Lab Machine is Broken!!!
Ugh...that sucks. Waiting is the absolute worst part!! The blood will be fine. It is spun down and refrigerated if it can't be run right away. It won't impact your results.
Can't wait to hear your results!!!