2nd Trimester

What should I do?!

So this is going to be a stupid question, I'm sure... Better safe than sorry, right?!
The day before yesterday I started having these very low menstrual like cramps again (last time it lasted for a few hours and went away completely) this time, I figured I would drink a lot of water to make sure I wasn't dehydrated and then I went to bed. So I woke up yesterday morning and the cramping was back, accompanied by a lovely back pain! So it was time to call my doctor, they brought me in and checked everything and it all looked good... Cervix closed, etc. She told me that if it continues to happen then I need to go get checked out at L&D. Well it was mostly gone last night and this morning is back with a vengeance! This cramping does not want to let up. There are times when it's worse than others. I'm even more nervous because I'm supposed to be hopping on a plane tomorrow. So I'll be headed in. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Am I going crazy? I feel like its in my head and I'll feel stupid going in! That isn't going to stop me from going but as a ftm, I don't know what I'm feeling!
I would just love a little peace of mind to know I'm not the only one. Thanks everyone :-)
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Re: What should I do?!

  • I'm 26 weeks, so I guess we will see! Thanks!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • It could definitely be growing pains/baby moving all around in there! Try not to worry too much unless it becomes unbearable, in which case just call up your doc because it's probably something normal associated with pregnancy. :)
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  • Definitely growing pains I had this for some time at night was worse for me. Good old hot water bottle did the trick but not too hot :) defo eases being uncomfortable
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