2nd Trimester

Anyone experience diarrhea early in 2nd tri?

I'm at work and suddenly have a gurgly, upset belly and have already had one awful trip to the bathroom. Any chance this is just pregnancy-related?? I've already had the stomach flu in October so truly hoping it's too soon to have it again.


DS #1: May 25, 2007

DS #2: Jan 7, 2009

DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s

Re: Anyone experience diarrhea early in 2nd tri?

  • Yup. Had it all first tri, and half way through the second. It has cleared up now, thankfully!

  • Yeah, I had it off and on until recently.  But then again, I never knew when it would happen, so maybe it'll happen again.  =/  It was always after dinner for me and lasted just a day or two, then would go away for a few days and come back.  I never know what I'm going to get these days.  
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  • First tri I was so constipated now half the time I have diarrhea...

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  • It's normal :)

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  • I've definitely been having this issue as well.
  • having the same thing...totally constipated first tri and now i have to poop like twice a day

  • Yep, i had this. I usually had it at night though and I'd wake up the next day with a bigger belly. I think it's baby's way of "making room"! 



    09/23/11 - Married DH

    04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks

    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • Good lord, at this point I almost wish I did! I have never really experienced constipation before and this stinks soooo bad!!! Good luck with the stomach bug. Remember to stay hydrated :(
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  • Cosmolove said:
    First tri I was so constipated now half the time I have diarrhea...

    I started taking those weird gummy vitamins during first tri because the big pills were making me nauseous. I didn't realize the gummies didn't contain iron. I started taking an iron supplement daily and the diarrhea got better.
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  • I am now. First thing in the morning. Every morning this past week.
  • Pretty much everyday, especially in the morning, since I have found I was pregnant. I do have IBS, so it's not too surprising but all you hear about is the opposite with pregnant ladies.
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