2nd Trimester

Freaking out about positive antibody screen

vszappvszapp member
edited November 2013 in 2nd Trimester

I am Rh- and DH is Rh+. I have one daughter and recieved Rhogam at all the appropriate times during pregnancy and after delivery. My screen after the pregnancy was negative. I had a natural miscarriage at ~8 weeks (blighted ovum, no yolk sac ever seen) toward the end of July and received Rhogam a few days after bleeding started. I am pregnant with LO #2 now and had a antibody screen at 8 weeks (positive, they presumed from the Rhogam), but I just had another for them to check and make sure it cleared, and I saw on my eChart that it's still positive! I am normally not a worrier but know this could be a big deal. I would guess that this last test was ~16-17 weeks after the Rhogam. Can it last that long? And if not, how on earth did I get sensitized? I will of course call to speak to my MW, but she's not in today...



Re: Freaking out about positive antibody screen

  • I am puzzled by your post.  I am also RH negative, and my H is RH negative.  When it was getting close to time for my Rhogam shot with my first pregnancy, my H went into my OB office and had a blood draw to ensure he was RH negative.  They waived my Rhogam shot after that because two RH negative people cannot make an RH positive baby.  So I'm on my third pregnancy and have never had the shot. I don't understand how you can have 'positive' issues if you are both RH negative. I'm sorry my response isn't helpful. I'm just confused.
  • I agree with the PP and I am also RH-.  I only get Rhogam because my hubby is RH +.


    DS #1: May 25, 2007

    DS #2: Jan 7, 2009

    DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s

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  • OK, major typo. I just fixed it. DH is Rh+!!!



  • I know this is super odd but my blood type was initially Rh+ and was for my first three children.  I had a miscarriage this past April and had to receive the Rhogam shot because my blood tests kept coming back Rh-.  I am not in the medical industry and honestly don't understand it all because it is my understanding that your blood type cannot change.  Maybe you have a similar situation as me?
  • Maybe they mean your positive having a negative blood type. What blood type are you?
    1st loss 8/31
    2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early
    3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
    4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
    5th pregnancy- CP in June
    6th pregnancy It's a BOY

  • Hi, I'm Rh- too. I know they generally say that Rhogam stays in your system for three months, but I'm sure there are cases where it can give you a positive antibody screen for longer than that. I know it's scary to think you could have gotten sensitized, but try not to worry until you can talk to your m/w.
  • The half life of Rhogam is 6 weeks.  How long ago was your shot? Even 18 weeks out you will still have 12% of the original dose hanging around, and the blood bank should be able to tell the difference between Anti-D (natural antibodies) and Passive-D (Rhogam).

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    BFP#1 10 wk missed mc      

    BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12  BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14

  • The half life of Rhogam is 6 weeks.  How long ago was your shot? Even 18 weeks out you will still have 12% of the original dose hanging around, and the blood bank should be able to tell the difference between Anti-D (natural antibodies) and Passive-D (Rhogam).

    Interesting. The shot was about 17 weeks before the test. The MW said that would have been plenty of time, but if the half life is as you say, that makes sense. I have no idea why they didn't run a titer but I guess I'll have to chase somebody down to do some follow up. Frustrating.



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