
Report for duty.

My damn computer stopped charging unless in a particular spot so I had to REALLY parent today. UGH. I wised up and taped the charger in place...WINNING!

Drinking some cab, what are you hors doing with your evening? 


R: October 2010
O: January 2013

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
Anywhere, I would have followed you

justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life

Re: Report for duty.

  • aaaaaaaaaaaand I SWEAR I didn't see the bottoms up thread until now. I was really shocked 2 minutes ago that this thread was not already created...

    ::hangs head in shame::


    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
  • It's crickets around here right now.  I am not drinking, but I am watching the Daily Show.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Loading the player...
  • I need to look at different cars online.  We are having ours fixed post-accident, but I don't want to keep it much longer.  It serves a good purpose, but we need to save on money and get a smaller car. 

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • I'm on an obsessive one tree hill kick. I can't quit watching. And drinking.

    Meh I'm actually ok with my life choices. Booze and Chad Michael Murray

  • I'm being lazy and hoping my daughter goes to bed sometime before 11 like she did last night, so I can eat chocolate in peace.
  • I've tried to burn my house down, baked a cake but forgot to put sugar in it. I now have another cake in the oven because it's for a party tomorrow. It's 11:15 at night, and I really should be drinking. All the booze is over at my smoked up house though.
  • The beast is asleep. I'm soooo happy.
  • piffle42 said:
    I'm tardy to the party. Fucking west coast.

    I'm drinking and watching Reign.
    West coast represent. We'll start our own party. With strippers and blackjack.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Reading your post, @luckydad, made California Love start playing in my head.
  • Reading your post, @luckydad, made California Love start playing in my head.
    The second half is a riff on Bender from Futurama.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I know. Reddit loves Bender.
  • LuckyDadLuckyDad member
    edited November 2013
    piffle42 said:

    @LuckyDad we just bought a case of $2 chuck. And vodka. I'm ready for dranks and strippers.

    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Paris Hilton is the epitome of out of touch asshole.
  • Some of those May 13 ladies are accidentally making an argument in favor of single Payer health insurance
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.

    I've had three Brown Shuggas and I'm feeling pretttyyyyy prettttyyyy pretty good.
  • If I drink the cider in the fridge, then it won't be there to tempt me later, right?
  • I love this your dad story.  So fucking cool.
  • anustart said:
    HAIIIII I abandoned my own thread, my Dad called me and well we've got 26 years to catch up on so our convos have been 2+ hours a day. I LOVE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!!  
    This is fantastic. 
  • I fucking love you @anustart.  I mean forrealio.
  • Also when I was a teenager in Vegas I saw Coolio and he waved to me.  Then I noticed I had blood on my arm and I went to the bathroom to wash it off and there was no cut.  IT WASN'T MY BLOOD.
  • Were you shanking people in your sleep, @overture?
  • overture said:
    I fucking love you @anustart.  I mean forrealio.

    I love you too, @overture



    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
  • overture said:
    Also when I was a teenager in Vegas I saw Coolio and he waved to me.  Then I noticed I had blood on my arm and I went to the bathroom to wash it off and there was no cut.  IT WASN'T MY BLOOD.
    Ew, brah. Ew. 


    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
  • Were you shanking people in your sleep, @overture?
    Probably.  I'm sly like that.
  • I'm so hungry right now AND out of wine. WTF. 


    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
  • C_mo said:
    LuckyDad said:
    I still say we need drug testing for legislators and lobbyists before poor people. No making laws while high.
    But then Toronto wouldn't be so awesome.
    Canadians can keep having all the drugs. You seem to actually want to support your poor people.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • I had a BLT for dinner.

    And three 10% beers.  IT'S A GOOD DAY.
  • anustart said:
    overture said:
    I love this your dad story.  So fucking cool.
    It's really refreshing and amazing. It is seriously so fucking crazy how alike we are and the way we talk. Blows my fucking mind. He is the most amazing "stranger" I have ever met. He calls me every. damn. day. My cup is so full right now. I needed this. 
    I'm really glad for you!
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • omgggg why don't I have bacon or tomatoes right now?!?!?!??????????

    Also, the best way to eat a BLT is with garlic mayo. (ie: chop up fresh garlic and mix in mayo) You're welcome. 


    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
  • I want bacon. Mayo is gross.
  • anustart said:

    HAIIIII I abandoned my own thread, my Dad called me and well we've got 26 years to catch up on so our convos have been 2+ hours a day. I LOVE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!!  

    @anustart this is the best thing I've ever heard!!! That so great. I wish I could have that.

    Harry Styles = Life Ruiner


    There’s a lightning in your eyes I can't deny
    Then there’s me inside a sinking boat running out of time
    Without you I'll never make it out alive
    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
    J. 1.14.13 my reason for breathing 
  • Goddammit I love life in this moment.
  • image


    R: October 2010
    O: January 2013

    I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
    Anywhere, I would have followed you

    justaphase+anustart=assoulmates 4 life
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