2nd Trimester

rash/pimply like bumps

I noticed these a few weeks ago between my chest & abdomen. They don't hurt or itch and they aren't full blown pimples, but I don't know what they are or if they are normal. I tried exfoliating and using the Burts Bees blemish oil, but they do not go away. They are only detectable if I touch that area (meaning you can't see them if you look at the area). 

Any idea what it might be or should I just attribute it to being pregnant and weird things happen?

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: rash/pimply like bumps

  • I got these with my first pregnancy. Its normal. I can't for the life of me remember what my Dr called it but she did day its normal and not to worry about it!
  • That's exactly where mine are. I wish they would go away...I'm trying everything I can think of!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • I had a similar issue a couple of weeks ago. For about three weeks I had what I thought were mosquito bites but, they turned into an itchy painful rash that wouldn't go away! My Dr. recommended a hydrocortisone cream or benadryl cream. I bought the regular strength benadryl cream and used it about twice a day. Within a week they were gone! Maybe you can try that! It releived the itching, swelling and redness almost immediatly!
  • Thanks ill try the Benadryl. I did regular hydrocortisone cream but stopped because they weren't itchy, but it's worth a shot!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I had the same thing...narrowed it down to soap or polyester clothes. Changed soap and don't wear polyester as much and it's going away. I think the maternity clothes constantly rubbing against my body was causing it to happen with no air coming through.
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