2nd Trimester

Too hot & cant catch breath

I will be 19 weeks on wednesday (will also find out gender then too :) ). But the past few days i have had a hard time taking deep breaths or just trying to catch it. And o man do i get so hot! I almost pass out just from getting hot! Im more concerned about the breathing problem tho, i will ask my doc when i go wednesday but just wanted to see if any one else had this prob?

Re: Too hot & cant catch breath

  • I have had this problem too. I think its normal but I'm going to ask my doctor as well. I'm 19 weeks today as well! Congrats!!
  • I had this problem but it started at the beginning of my pregnancy. It actually got to the point where I was fainting. My doctor did some tests and found out I was having issues with my blood pressure. I began medication which I really didn't want to but my doctor said it would be safer than my blood pressure issues and passing out. I think it is fairly normal in pregnancy but sometimes it can be more serious and need to be treated, just talk to your doctor!
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  • Breathe at this time of the pregnancy is very difficult. Even a short walk will feel like a mile. I usually sit down for a while because the air is just out of the body.
  • My docs said the air hunger is most likely due to progesterone so it happens. Mine seems to get me at night and stop mW from sleeping. Hot showers can make you feel faint too. I think the doc may draw blood to check iron levels, etc. Good luck!
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