2nd Trimester

Back Pain

Hey fellow bumpies!

I follow the boards pretty regularly, and chip in only every once in awhile. I'm 21 weeks along with really bad mid-back pain; right around where my lungs are (sometimes it hurts a bit to breathe in deeply). It's not my lower back, which I think may be more common. It's worst when I'm sleeping - even with a pillow between my legs. Anyone else struggling with this? I am not one to complain too much, but this is getting to the point where it's interfering with daily life.

I just ordered a pregnancy body pillow which will arrive in a week, and I've taken baths to try and help. Does anyone else have some suggestions for how to deal with back pain? 

Re: Back Pain

  • Heating pad for temporary relief. But I've been reading a lot lately about trying to strengthen abdominal muscles to help with back aches. I read an article about it and decided to look into it a little more and supposedly it works pretty well. There are specific excercises to do during pregnancy. I haven't tried it but I think I'll start! Especially after waking up today with exactly the kind of back ache you described. Good luck!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Heating pads are good, but not too hot and for short periods of time. The heat can make baby too warm and raising the temp of baby is not safe. I would absolutely suggest seeing a chiropractor. It will save your life!! Quick question... Does it kinda feel like it could be in your chest? I get a lot of pain that feels like it's between my ribs and my back. It's so uncomfortable. My PCP told me that I have inflamed cartilage between my ribs and sternum. Not fun and it is incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Hope this helps and you find a solution soon :)
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  • Thank you both so much! I will definitely try a heating pad for short periods of time. And will look into a chiropractor. I've also been trying to convince my husband that regular trips to a masseuse is necessary ;)

    I take a prenatal yoga class, and have thought about asking the instructor for some good exercises - I will mention abdominal exercises in particular.

    And Eahen, yes, sometimes it does feel like it's in my chest, for sure! It kind of starts mid-back (the ribs in my back in particular) and radiates into my lungs. It's very uncomfortable and yes, almost painful. I mentioned it to one of my midwives and she seemed very unconcerned. Perhaps I'll mention it again a little more insistently at my next visit.

    I was really hoping not to have back pain until later in the pregnancy...oh well! Thanks again for your good suggestions ladies!
  • It's like a rib puncturing your lung. That's how I could best describe the sensation/pain I get. I really hope you figure it out, it's no fun being uncomfortable!
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