2nd Trimester

Measuring Ahead-Enlighten Me

My doctor's office recently called and told me I'm due Apr. 22nd instead of the original Apr 29th, which was based on my lmp. The Apr 22nd date came from the ultrasound after the baby was measuring larger. I have always had very regular periods, and I remember the days we had sex and the day (within 24 hours) of when I ovulated. I truly do not understand how the date can change if I know all of that info. Is it simply based on the size of the baby or is there more to it than that? I plan to ask the dr. the next time I see him because I'm just curious. Please enlighten me. TIA :)
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Re: Measuring Ahead-Enlighten Me

  • Hi there we had our scan on Monday and was told similar thing we were measuring a week earlier but at this stage they don't change the due date and baby could just be growing nicely. They go by average measurements and some babies will fit into this category and other will measure slightly bigger or even smaller at this stage. All totally normal hope this helps x :)
  • Thanks :) With our son, my due date never changed, although he did arrive 4 days late. I was just really curious as to how they figured the dates and if they ever change them later on. I was sitting here trying to figure out how many sick days and unpaid days I may have to use. With that being said, I know anything could happen and all this planning could be thrown out the window later on. lol
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  • Sammy230289Sammy230289 member
    edited November 2013
    Have you had your 20 week scan
  • Honestly if you are sure about your ovulation date, I would hold firm on your due date so you aren't pushed into an early induction. I'm surprised they changed it based on an ultrasound thus stage of the game. Only very early ultrasounds are accurate for dating. There's a range of normal size for dates at this point so to say you are due earlier just because baby measures on the big end for dates is goofy.
  • I would go more on your date of ovulation. I had a 9.1 lbs baby (no problem delivering :-) and they kept saying I was going to deliver earlier due to size. Yup they were wrong I went into labor exactly a day after my original due date (off of my ovulation etc). I would stick with your original due date unless you have wonky periods..
  • yes, same here....the babys size is bigger, but my due date hasnt changed...this is only an estimate
    Mom of 4 plus one more!!!!
  • How sure are you about when you ovulated? Were you temping/charting? If so, I would go with that. It can vary a little bit beyond that due to time it takes to implant, but I wouldn't think it would change by more than 3-4 days...not a whole week.
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  • With DS1 I measured ahead but then eventually evened out later on. Babies grow at different rates a growth spurt here and there no big deal. Due dates are just estimates you can have the baby 2 weeks before your due date or 2 weeks after so really you should have a due month not date.
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  • Personally, I don't really like the "due date" idea, anyway. I would much rather be told an -ish date, because that's what it really is. Like "you're due May 15th-ish." We get so caught up on a day, when really, on 5% of women actually deliver on their due date. I know all of mine have come early, and some come late. 
  • if you arent induced or scheduled for a c section for some other reason down the road then id just think "late april" -- i was due june 17th with my first & had him june 23rd. it was a long hard late week but it wouldnt have been AS bad had i just expected him "late june" ... unless your doctors do that "we induce one week (OR LESS?!) after you due date thing" then i would just try not to worry too much about it and still consider your date based on your knowledge of your lmp. the only issue is that if you measure "big" then they will constantly do net & tests to check that everything is ok which is bothersome unless there really IS something to be concerned with. i personally dont think measuring pubic bone to top of fundus could possibly be THAT scientific. 
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