2nd Trimester


I had a friend do an ultrasound last week (16 weeks) but she's a cardiac ultrasound tech, not baby... Were fairly certain we know what we're looking but I want y'all's opinions! What do you think, boy or girl? I sent pics to a different friend who is a baby ultrasound tech and she said at first glance shed say boy but it could be swollen labia... She wouldn't say without doin an ultrasound herself.

Re: Boy/Girl

  • That's not really a great shot....
    imageDSC_9275  image

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i got a picture like that when i was about  16 weeks  and it turned out that i was having a boy
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  • It's between the legs...not sure how better of a shot you could get.
  • Do you still have that picture?? I'd love to see it if so!
  • Thaley03 said:
    It's between the legs...not sure how better of a shot you could get.
    Yes, but I only see one leg.  If the other foot is tucked underneath baby's bum, then I can't tell if it's a penis or maybe just part of the baby's foot.   Plus I'm not an u/s tech, so I'm just going based off of what we saw at our u/s.   If I could clearly see another leg there, then I would say it looks a lot like our u/s (boy).
    imageDSC_9275  image

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have several other pics that look like this with both legs in the pic but this was the clearest shot of between the legs.
  • I'd say boy, but I'd also say to get an ultrasound from someone who knows what they're looking at.
  • The resolution is pretty rough, but it looks like it could be a boy to me! And I agree.. Don't go out a start buying a bunch of little boy things until you get confirmation from your doctor or a place that specializes in gender determination ultrasounds. Here's a pic of my little boy at 18 weeks from a gender determination place:
    I still don't know why these always post sideways!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
    Mom of 4 plus one more!!!!
  • I'm 99% sure that it's a puppy. Because I'm a trained u/s tech and all.
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