Anyone have good articles or research they could share about the justification of car seat expiration dates?
My brother and SIL are due with their first baby in April and my brother feels they are made up by the manufacturers to make more money. He said he is not going to comply by it because it is stupid. He is a really smart guy and money is not an issue so I do not understand why he will not follow these guidelines.
Re: Car Seat Expiration Dates
Yeah, my friend didn't make a ton of money but she was given two free carseats and she used the one that was expired because she said it was lighter . . .. errrrrrrrrrrrrrr
DH and I had a bit of a debate about it when his coworker offered him her used convertible seat, which was near expiration. I said no way, and he was fine with that, but he did find some research supporting the fact that car seat expiration dates are really pretty arbitrary. So unfortunately that wouldn't support your case What we read said that it's more important to replace seats because of safety advances rather than plastic breaking down.