To take off my shoes in the laundry room before coming in the house... and getting up the guts to ask house guests to do the same. This is going to be a big challenge, as silly as it sounds! But I want to keep our floors as clean as possible for the little squirt.
To take off my shoes in the laundry room before coming in the house... and getting up the guts to ask house guests to do the same. This is going to be a big challenge, as silly as it sounds! But I want to keep our floors as clean as possible for the little squirt.
I try and maintain this in my house, and most people oblige... but you know who is the worst?? DH! It makes me crazy. I really don't want shoes all over the house, and especially in Maya's room. I am always ragging on DH to take his shoes off. Sigh!
I don't really have a resolution.... I just want my transition back to work to go OK and to do my best to balance my career and motherhood... take care of myself... be a good wife, a good friend. If I can get myself to exercise 3 times a week I'd be golden
Stay connected to my friends and make an effort to make new friends. I know this sounds like a silly one but between DD and DH and both of our families and trying to work out consistently and keeping up with the house and cooking and cleaning etc etc, I find it very hard to have any time or energy left for friends. And I think this is one of the most important things I can do for ME.?
Re: All right ladies...Resolution Time
To take off my shoes in the laundry room before coming in the house... and getting up the guts to ask house guests to do the same. This is going to be a big challenge, as silly as it sounds! But I want to keep our floors as clean as possible for the little squirt.
Go to the gym 3x per week.
Cooking dinner 3x per week.
Keeping the new house clean.
I try and maintain this in my house, and most people oblige... but you know who is the worst?? DH! It makes me crazy. I really don't want shoes all over the house, and especially in Maya's room. I am always ragging on DH to take his shoes off. Sigh!
*to lose weight. I am determined to lose at least the 50 pounds I should have lost before getting pregnant the first time.... I wanna be a MILF! LOL.
*to mentally be nicer to my MIL. This one will be a struggle.
Ditto Pumpkin - lose 50lbs and be a MILF (only half joking).
Othe resolution - be a better wife and try to be a better cleaner. If I can only pick 2 then the house cleaning will fall to the wayside.
Stay connected to my friends and make an effort to make new friends. I know this sounds like a silly one but between DD and DH and both of our families and trying to work out consistently and keeping up with the house and cooking and cleaning etc etc, I find it very hard to have any time or energy left for friends. And I think this is one of the most important things I can do for ME.?
And a happy ME means a happy DD!?
- improve my physical health- diet, exercise, weight
- improve our financial status- get rid of my husbands c.c. debt
organize my room
lose 40 pounds
pay off 1 credit card
write in my blog
1. Lose my pregnancy weight by February 4 (my birthday)
2. Finish my novel
3. Be a better mom
1. be more organized - house, life. I am tired of misplacing crap.
2. have a more positive attitude
3. time management - sort of a spin off to #1 but it includes at work - no more nesting at work (or very little - lol!)
4. work on my relationship with my sister