However my dr wont see me until I am 11 weeks. The normal they say is 10 weeks but I will be in Florida. Is this normal practice? In the past they have had me do blood tests to get a better idea of how far I am but not this time. I have a history of miscarriages. Maybe that is y they are pushing it out???
Tried to conceive since September '12. Received fertility treatments since May '13 - September '13. No specific dx. 4 failed IUIs and one successful IVF! BFP 11/8/13! 1st beta: 200
Congratulations! I had a miscarriage and my dr wanted to see me by my 6 weeks so we could get an ultrasound. If you're not comfortable with it you can always go somewhere else
I am without health insurance. I just started a new job and I have to wait until the first of the year to hop on. So in a way it is kind of helpful. My first apt is Dec 31.
As for the appointments, I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with. With my prior losses....I wanted to know what was going on from the beginning. I am 7 weeks and I've been in for two ultrasounds and four blood tests already....all initiated by my doctor. My practice is more hands on, which matches with my needs.
On our way to baby#2! Praying for a healthy and happy delivery next June!
I may as well be without insurance. I have a $2500 deductible and it resets January 1. So I am thinking about waiting until then for my first appointment at about 13 weeks. I know the first can be expensive so I want to make sure it goes towards the deductible. Really sucks cause I want to have a doctor tell me for sure I am pregnant, especially since I haven't had any symptoms other than fatigue and a missed period (and two positive tests).
Re: Positive test today!!! :)
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14
As for the appointments, I think it's whatever you feel comfortable with. With my prior losses....I wanted to know what was going on from the beginning. I am 7 weeks and I've been in for two ultrasounds and four blood tests already....all initiated by my doctor. My practice is more hands on, which matches with my needs.