Yeah i would also wait if you are afraid they will spill the beans!! We have a 5 yr old and we are going to wait until around Christmas once i am showing more. Everyone else basically knows but we want to have an ultrasound picture we can show her!!
We told DD as soon as I got the BFP, however she is 11months old and doesn't understand anything yet, haha! I would probably wait until you're showing makes it easier for them to understand. I got DD the book "what's inside your tummy, mommy?" by Abby cocovini, I like it.
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We told DD last night. (I'm 9 weeks) She's almost 5. She didn't really get what we were telling her when we showed her the "I'm going to be a big sister" t-shirt. But once we explained the baby in mommy's belly she caught on.
We waited bc we didnt want her to spill it to anyone before we were ready.
We will tell our family on Thanksgiving. I will probably tell my kiddos the morning of. My 4 year old is a sponge and tells people everything! So it is best to wait and tell her right before we tell everyone else.
My 4 year old will be excited. My 2 year old will have no idea
We told our son right away who will be 4 in January. But we also told our close family members and his daycare lady as well. Just so they knew what he's talking about.
We had an early m/c two months ago and I'm so glad we didn't say anything right away. Since we have our first appt this time on Dec. 4, I kind of want to wait and wrap up the info for them as an Xmas present, especially since DS1 is reading now. I just don't know how to not talk about it in front of them for another 7 weeks!
I'm in love with the idea of bringing them, or at least my oldest, to the 20wk appt though! Anyone else?
Re: When to tell ...
The first time, one boy had just turned 3 and the other was almost 5. The second time, the boys were 5, 7 and 1 1/2.
Thanksgiving is almost here, I would just wait until then.
We told DD last night. (I'm 9 weeks) She's almost 5. She didn't really get what we were telling her when we showed her the "I'm going to be a big sister" t-shirt. But once we explained the baby in mommy's belly she caught on.
We waited bc we didnt want her to spill it to anyone before we were ready.
We will tell our family on Thanksgiving. I will probably tell my kiddos the morning of. My 4 year old is a sponge and tells people everything! So it is best to wait and tell her right before we tell everyone else.
My 4 year old will be excited. My 2 year old will have no idea
DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.
I'm in love with the idea of bringing them, or at least my oldest, to the 20wk appt though! Anyone else?
DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.