1st Trimester

When to tell ...

When did u tell your other children?

Re: When to tell ...

  • The first time we told right away. The second time we waited for Christmas because it was only a couple weeks away.
  • How old we're they? Mine r 4 and 2 1/2 do I dontvwantthem to spill the beans until thanksgiving ( ill b ten weeks)
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  • The first time, one boy had just turned 3 and the other was almost 5. The second time, the boys were 5, 7 and 1 1/2.

    Thanksgiving is almost here, I would just wait until then.

  • Yeah i would also wait if you are afraid they will spill the beans!!  We have a 5 yr old and we are going to wait until around Christmas once i am showing more.  Everyone else basically knows but we want to have an ultrasound picture we can show her!!
  • edited November 2013
    We told DD as soon as I got the BFP, however she is 11months old and doesn't understand anything yet, haha! I would probably wait until you're showing makes it easier for them to understand. I got DD the book "what's inside your tummy, mommy?" by Abby cocovini, I like it.
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  • We told DD last night.  (I'm 9 weeks)  She's almost 5.  She didn't really get what we were telling her when we showed her the "I'm going to be a big sister" t-shirt.  But once we explained the baby in mommy's belly she caught on. 

    We waited bc we didnt want her to spill it to anyone before we were ready. 





  • We will tell our family on Thanksgiving. I will probably tell my kiddos the morning of. My 4 year old is a sponge and tells people everything! So it is best to wait and tell her right before we tell everyone else.

    My 4 year old will be excited. My 2 year old will have no idea :)

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  • We told our son right away who will be 4 in January. But we also told our close family members and his daycare lady as well. Just so they knew what he's talking about.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

  • We had an early m/c two months ago and I'm so glad we didn't say anything right away. Since we have our first appt this time on Dec. 4, I kind of want to wait and wrap up the info for them as an Xmas present, especially since DS1 is reading now. I just don't know how to not talk about it in front of them for another 7 weeks!

    I'm in love with the idea of bringing them, or at least my oldest, to the 20wk appt though! Anyone else?
  • Well probably bring our 4 year old to the 20 week appointment when we find out the sex. He's already so excited about the baby in mommys belly.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

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