
IUI #4, done and done (and a TMI ?) (SAIFW)

Hi ladies!  I checked in on every one before posting and wanted to first say thanks for the few posts just to wish me good luck this morning.  I wish I would have seen them before I ladies are wonderful!

IUI #4 went a little different then the first three.  Well my appointment was at 8:15, so I got there at 7:45 to drop off DH's sample.  And then I wait, and wait, and wait some more.  I didn't get in until 8:50!  They are usually not like this.  Any way, I saw DH's little guys (and girls) on the microscope and they were swimming around like I guess the added time didn't hurt them at least!

I was a bit thrown off by my RE today (in a good way!), but I'll just write that in my blog if you're interested.  He did my IUI, and I laid there for 20 minutes this time.  He usually just says 10-15.  I figured why not?  I was already there WAY late as it was.  When he was doing it I felt a lot more pressure than usual.  He also went in three seperate times and squirted some more up there.  I only have mature eggs on the right side, which I reminded him of, so maybe he was trying to get it over there.

When I left I had to go to the bathroom really badly, but hated to so soon after my IUI (I know, I'm weird).  But I stopped down the hall because I knew I would never make it back to work otherwise.  When I wiped it was like I had started my period.  Clearly red and even a couple clots.  I freaked out.  I kept wiping and it kept coming.  I went right back in to my REs office and the nurses said this was normal and not to worry about it.  Has this happened to any one else???  They said something about going through the cervix sometimes does that.  It's still happening now when I got back to work...

Again, thanks for all your support.  We're putting it right down to the wire whether I get preggo in's hoping!!!

Sara :)

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Re: IUI #4, done and done (and a TMI ?) (SAIFW)

  • Sounds like it went great!  I've never spotted after an IUI, but they always tell me it's normal. And if he went in 3 different times, maybe it just really irritated your cervix?? GL!!!!
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  • GL! ?I hope this is it for you! :)
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  • I have everything crossed for you sweetie - good luck!!!
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  • Oh good luck! ?I have heard spotting can be normal - I never had any, but they did warn me of it. ?

    I would agree that if he went in 3 times it could have really aggravated your cervix.?

  • Good luck Sara!! 

     I've never experienced spotting after an IUI but maybe, like pp's said, it was because he went in so many times. 

     Here's to a (hopefully) quick 2ww!!


  • I was spotting my whole IUI cycle so I'm no help there, I would just say keep an eye on it.  As long as your lining was ok, hopefully its nothing. Maybe he hit some lining.  I wish I got to see DH's spermies, that's cool.    Good luck. I am going to be computerless while I'm in CO till Monday so I"ll check on you when I get back in town.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
    PCOS, Ectopic & M/C of twins October 2010, Currently TTC #2
  • I had it happen to me at, at least 3 of my IUIs. It's perfectly normal, albeit very scary to see.


    Good luck!

  • Hi Sara,

    I am happy everything went well.  I always have to lay there for 20 mins.  Totally, sucks.  I completely understand about the pressure...both times the pressure was really painful, and I have had bleeding after each IUI...more so after the 2nd IUI b/c they had to straighten the cervix!  I hope this is you sticky one!  I will be in the 2ww w/ you next week!  Smile

     Happy New Year!

  • Good luck!

    I've never had spotting after an IUI, but they also never inserted 3 times on me. Maybe that was the reason. I am sure it's fine. :)


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  • Good luck! I really hope this it is for you. :)
  • good luck! I hope this one works for you!
  • Sounds like it went awesome. I bet it was neat to see DH's sperm in the microscope.  What was your postwash count?

    FYI: I spotted for a day after my first IUI. No worries :) Hoping to hear good news in two weeks from you. 

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  • I hope this is the new year miracle you deserve! Good luck
  • With my 1st 6 iui's I had heavy bleeding afterwards. According to my 1st re my cervix was "all sorts of twisty and in the way" so they always had to clamp it out of the way.

    With my 2nd re I was told that I had the perfect cervix and I was perfect to have an iui because of my cervix placement. No bleeding w/ them.

    I guess it just depends on who did it. Glad I changed re's then!

    Sounds like your cervix is a little sore and maybe inflammed from the experience. I hope this is it for you! GL!!!!

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  • OH - I hope this is it for you! ?I'm keeping my fingers crossed. ?I never had any spotting but was always told by the nurses that it is normal. ?GL,GL GL!
    TTC #1 since June 2006. Unexplained.

    IUI#1: 50 mg of Clomid = BFN.
    IUI #2: 50 mg of clomid trigger = BFN
    On a breakLilypie 21 - 37 day cycle Ticker

    Check Out My Blog
  • GL with this IUI, i hope you get a new year's miracle!
  • Good luck; hope this is your last IUI!!!  My RE had trouble with my last IUI; it was the 2nd one of the b2b IUIs.  He said I was really irritated "down there."  He had trouble advancing the catheter and was really poking around in there.  Ugh.  It hurt, too.  This time with the b2b IUIs they had no trouble getting in the catheter.  I've had a total of 7 IUIs and only had 1 time when they had trouble with it.  I've also had some spotting with my IUIs, which is normal.  

     I hope you get you get wonderful news in 2 weeks!  Good luck with your 2 ww!

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