1st Trimester

Telling Your Preschoolers

Hi! I am a preschool teacher and found out a couple weeks ago I am expecting a little one of my own! I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a good way to tell 4 and 5 year olds in a way they can understand. I know I'm not going to worry about it until I start showing, but I definitely want them to know what's going on and why I am getting bigger and moving slower, and also why I need them to be a little gentler with me (i.e. not launching themselves at my stomach for a hug). A lot of them have younger siblings, so hopefully that will help them understand a little better.
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Re: Telling Your Preschoolers

  • Hmm, I completely understand what you're going through. I haven't told some of my kids at school yet either. I definitely think comparing how gentle you have to be with a baby will help them relate to how careful they have to be with you while you're helping the baby grow inside you. A lot of the kids that were a little rough did calm down after explaining there was a baby in my belly. Also, a few of them still don't understand the whole launching at your stomach for a hug isn't a good idea but one of them did kiss my belly the other day.

  • Also, it would be a great way to remind them to use their nice touches all the time.

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