Ihad to share this with someone. My best friend in the world got married at the end of September. We (kind of jokingly) kept saying we were both going to start trying to get pregnant after her wedding so we can have babies at the same time. Well, yesterday morning (her birthday) the told me that she's pregnant! I was obviously over the moon excited! I have been thinking a little over the past few days that I should take a test as well. I have had mild cramping, breast tenderness, and heartburn. I told her this so she insisted I go get a test. Well, lo and behold, my two tests were positive! We cannot believe this!! It is just to crazy and awesome! We calculate that we are both about 4 weeks. Unreal! Anyway, I'm sure I will be on these boards a lot for the next while. I can't wait!! I'm telling my husband tonight and trying to think of a cute way to do it!
Re: BFF and I just found out we're both pregnant!!!
Thanks, y'all! And congrats and good luck to those expecting and trying! It is still so new and crazy but awesome!! I look forward to talking with y'all more on here soon!
Two of our other really good buds got pregnant within a month of each other with their firsts a few years ago. I was so jealous and hoped it would happen to us...and voila! It is just wild how things work out!