So I had to find a new dr. and I am already a little turned off. My first appt. isn't until January 19th. I will only see a nurse at that time and then they will decide which dr. is best for me. Is this normal?
I was a little concerned that the appt. is so far off. I told them my hx of cancer, miscarriage, and high blood pressure. Still no change. Is this normal????
Re: Just made first appt- not exactly thrilled!
Growing Up Olson
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
It seems like every dr. office is different. This is the way your office does it! When I called for my first appt. I was told my normal gyn doesn't deliver babies so they assigned me another dr that I had never met. At my first appt. I loved her! She is wonderful! Also, my office has a few drs. so I have future appts. (up through March) booked with the other drs. to meet them all as you never know who will be available the day I go into labor.
This is a long process. If you don't like the dr. they assign you...ask to switch!
a nurse will be just as good as a doc for your first visit- i had a nurse practitioner for my 1st visit and she actually delivers babies- they are just as good as docs
and maybe they said they will find the best doc for you cause they are going off your history- maybe they have different docs with various specialties that would better suit you? just a thought!
i would think you would go in earlier if you miscarried before though- so not sure about that- maybe if you call them and express your concerns again that you do not feel comfortable waiting that long because of miscarrying before?
or if you don't feel completely comfortable after your first visit then switch docs!
It might be that they truly want to find a good match. We are military, so I don't see a doc until 32 weeks (which annoys me beyond belief as another health professional). Maybe you could keep that appt and also look for a "backup"? You might find that you are happy once you meet the doc.
Best of luck!
Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)
IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties
Surprise BFP 2010
Surprise BFP 2011
Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012
FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN
FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN
IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!
Find a different practice! You are high risk! Your BP needs to be monitored and your probably need to be on different BP meds. What are you currently taking? Also with a history of CHTN and prior pregnancy loss, they should follow you more closely.
Is there no other practice around can you go to??
This is very normal.
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
I have done a ton of research. This clinic is known to be the one of the best in the area. They came highly recommended by friends and ratemd.
They did put me through with the high risk unit. They said they will determine if I am high risk at that Jan 19th. Until then, I am too follow up with my primary doc for the blood pressure. ?
I also have a history of cancer and the doctors do want to monitor me during my pg for heart problems (as a result of chemo). That being said, they still waited to schedule my first app't until I was 8-9 weeks (or so they thought... it turned out that I o'd late and was only 7w3d at the time of the app't) and I saw a CNM for my first appointment. For the rest of my pg I will be seeing the office's 3 different OBs and also have to be monitored by a cardiologist.
I sent you a PM, by the way.
Aldomet and Labetalol are the two BP meds we use in pregnancy. We do not use Ace inhibitors b/c they can affect development of the kidneys. But as long as your meds are changed soon then it should be ok.
Hopefully you are satisfied with this practice. Just make sure you are getting the care that you need. We like to see high risk patients ASAP.
If you are taking any meds then I would be sure they are safe for pregnancy. Other than that it sounds very normal to me. My first appt. this time is 8 weeks 2 days and it will be with a nurse. I will have a u/s that appt, but that is only because of my earlier losses this year. My first appt. with my dd was at 12 weeks and with my ds was at 10 weeks.
I don't know about the history but I'm 6 weeks and my first dr appointment isn't until Jan I'm jealous that you get to go before me!!! :-P
I'd say if you're concerned you can always call another office and see if they would do things differently.
BFP 3/9/12 Natural M/C 4/11/12