I'm 11w3days, 32 years old, married less than a year and super depressed. I don't know if what I'm feeling is hormones, me going nuts, or what?!?!? I must also add I'm bipolar so Unmedicated during pregnancy. Worked with my psychiatrist on a plan with a mild pill that's really a form of folic acid (to help depression) and a daily meditation plan.
I was priding myself on doing very well mentally and being happy, but starting yesterday I'm having a meltdown. I'm overwhelmed to say the least. This will be our first baby. (I was pregnant last year but miscarried at 9wks. ) Have already heard heartbeat with this baby last week and relieved at that!
I couldn't find birth control I could tolerate so we were trying to be careful and tracking fertility among other things to avoid pregnancy this time while deciding if we ever wanted to get pregnant. I'm obviously very fertile. So we were both excited although little surprised. But now I'm freaking out! I've been so pukey and exhausted so far. And I miss my carefree life already. I feel guilty and selfish for feeling this way. But I do. I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm used to going out and having drinks and doing adult things. Now I'm sickly and sad and boring! And to top it all off my husband seems to be shutting down. Please let this be a phase I'm going through! I just left and rode around crying for an hour then came back home and can't quit crying.

Re: Depressed
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