1st Trimester

Monthly Belly Shots question

This is probably a stupid question but thought I would ask to see what everyone is doing or has done. When you are taking your monthly belly shot photos, are you doing it in the first or last week of the month. For example....at 3 months, are you doing it at week 9 or week 13?

Re: Monthly Belly Shots question

  • I'll just do weekly? Or "when I feel like it" with weekly dates.


  • I've been doing weekly shots with a chalkboard. Even though my belly doesn't look much different yet, I'd like to make a scrapbook with them for my baby. I'm a first timer, and all the little details seem very significant to me. Like, "you have fingernails now!" "Mommy is craving pretzels!" and things like that. I want to remember those things down the road. I usually do the chalkboard picture on the 2nd or 3rd day of my pregnancy week. 
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  • I've been trying to do them weekly - just started a baby blog (our families are on the other side of the country so it's mostly for them) so I am going to add pictures/ultrasounds to that :)
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  • I'm doing it by 4s. I did a 4 week, 8 week and next is the 12 week shot. I'm also doing them with a "grow with me shirt" so it's the same through out and you can really tell there's been some growth. The 9th photo will be me and baby!
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  • I'm doing it every other week.  For me weekly is too much especially at this point where there is little change. 

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  • I am doing it weekly.  I wanted to do the whole chalkboard thing, but was too lazy and just took normal pics!
  • ALE515 said:

    I'm doing it by 4s. I did a 4 week, 8 week and next is the 12 week shot. I'm also doing them with a "grow with me shirt" so it's the same through out and you can really tell there's been some growth. The 9th photo will be me and baby!

    This is basically what I'm talking about. But I wanted to start at 3 months since it was just bloat before. I am wearing the same shirt as well. Thanks ladies!
  • I did mine every 5 weeks or so. So starting (5 weeks) then 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 & 40.

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  • I did mine every 5 weeks or so. So starting (5 weeks) then 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 & 40.

    This is also what I do. And I do them on my ticker change day.
  • I did every 5 weeks also.

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  • I am doing even weeks and when I hit a month marker. I'm not doing anything special for the bi weekly pictures but found something on Pinterest I liked for the monthly.




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  • I've been writing a letter to my baby every week..describing how I'm feeling and telling them how big they are and such..just will be kinda neat for them to read when they're older! Also been taking pics every once in awhile!
  • Let me add, that seeing we're pregnant during fun months, under whatever week it is I had pictures that coincide with the month. For 8 weeks, I had a spider coming down from the written week indicating October. For 12 weeks I'll have autumn leaves or something for November, and of course eventually a christmas tree. Just a thought!
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