1st Trimester

Last week in the 1st trimester :) Ultrasound went great today...

Aside from LO being fresh and not want to move/turn so that they could measure the back of the neck, everything went great. When he/she finally moved, all measurements came out perfectly fine. Tomorrow I will go in for blood work and then that's it for the first trimester! Super exciting. Heartbeat has dropped a little 158 the first time, then 155, now 148, so interesting how it changes over time.

:) I will be praying for all your bump ladies and I hope you have a great 9 months and make your way out of the 1st trimester happy and healthy.

Ps. don't be deceived by my GA in the ultrasound it says 13w2d but its 12w2d they haven't updated my due date in the computer (I was off a week in my cycles...)

February Siggy Challenge May 2014: Favorite Wedding Photoimage

Re: Last week in the 1st trimester :) Ultrasound went great today...

  • I'm glad you had a good appointment!
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
    CP 9/2013
    DD 2 6/2014
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     BFP 12/8/2016        
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  • Congrats on the appointment going well. My first pregnancy was so much more enjoyable after the 12 week scan & blood work. And the morning sickness was gone at that point too!
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  • How exciting! We'll catch up to you in the 2nd tri group!


  • mandy2696 said:

    Congrats on the appointment going well. My first pregnancy was so much more enjoyable after the 12 week scan & blood work. And the morning sickness was gone at that point too!

    Past few days I feel great! Energy is coming back my boobs barely hurt and MS is pretty much gone. :) biggest complaint now is my belly and boobs are so itchy all the time.
    February Siggy Challenge May 2014: Favorite Wedding Photoimage
  • 2 weeks 5 days here :) My ultrasound was at 8 weeks and everything looked good then. My next appointment is next week. Happy 2nd trimester :)
  • 12 weeks 5 days not 2 :)

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