I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow and my pants are not working. I can button them, but my stomach feels tender and uncomfortable. So my options are:
- buy maternity pants
- buy pants up a size
Here's the problem with buying up a size: that's only going to work for, what, a month? Two? And, yes, I've tried the bella band and hair tie. The band doesn't really work with most of my clothes and the hair tie is just awkward. It leaves my underwear exposed.
Here's the problem with buying maternity: I feel like it's too early, which maybe is arbitrary. But I really wanted to wait until we were at 16 weeks at least to feel like it was 'safe' to buy maternity stuff. Silly, perhaps, but it feels weird to buy it now.
Thoughts? What are others doing?
Re: Maternity Pants: to buy or not to buy? Bloat, money, 9 weeks
Edit: sorry, I had a reading comprehension fail. Just reread and realized you have tried the bella band. In that case, I'd get maternity pants.
From my experience, you may want to have a few pants in a bigger size for after the baby, too. For me, I was still carrying a lot of baby weight when I went back to work when DD was 3months old, so having some bigger pants came in handy.
After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1
TTC #2
Clomid 50 mg + IUI#1 = BFP, m/c and D&C at 7w1d
Clomid 50mg + IUI#2 = BFN
Clomid 100mg + IUI#3 = BFN
Lupron + Follistim + IVF#1 = 11ER, 10M, 10F, ET of 1 expanded BBA 5-day blast, 2 Frosties. BFP! Beta 10/13 = 264! Beta 10/15 = 702! EDD 6/21/14
Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014
Baby #2 due 4/26/16!
Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014
Baby #2 due 4/26/16!
Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014
Baby #2 due 4/26/16!
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
I'm actually wearing it today with the one pair of "normal" pants that will still fit over my thighs
Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014
Baby #2 due 4/26/16!
Embrace the stretchy! You won't regret it. Most of my stuff is from Old Navy (online, the stores have nothing in them).