Hi all...I think I need a little help here. My DH and I have been trying to conceive #2 for about a year now. #1 was actually a pleasant surprise so all this is really confusing me! My cycles are usually around 28 days and I've been using the CBEFM for a couple months and supposedly my peak days are usually around 19-21. This month I was put on Clomid days 5-9 and had my progestin level drawn yesterday, day 21. They called today and said my level was a 2, but because I may have ovulated late, to come in for a redraw on day 27. Does that make any sense? Out of a 28ish day cycle? Any advice?
Re: Clomid help, please...
If you're normally ovulating around CD21, a P4 drawn on that day wouldn't be very informative. They're probably working off of that date even though you are on Clomid this cycle, and want to check again in case you are still ovulating later.
Since you're on Clomid, your LP will also likely be longer, so they may be thinking that you'll get your period later than CD28.
Get busy and good luck!