1st Trimester

measuring inconsistencies?

hi guys, just wondering if you have experienced any ultrasound measuring inconsistencies and if so, if you would please share your outcomes?

I have had 3 ultrasounds so far: 2 normally schedules ones two weeks apart measuring 6 weeks 6 days and 9 weeks 1 day, respectively. today I went to my obgyn to rule out the possibility of an infection and he happened to give me another - it's a week later and the baby measured 9 weeks 1 day when I expected it to be 10 weeks. I know it's all pretty arbitrary and I'm not too worried (most importantly my doctor isn't worried at all) - everything else looks good, and we can still see/hear a strong heartbeat, see all the extemities and fluid around the baby is what it should be. just wondering if it's common for the dating to be off? thanks in advance :)
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Re: measuring inconsistencies?

  • I have had three u/s, plus my NT scan.  On this last one, I measured about two days off, but they said not to worry about it.  I think as long as you still the heartbeat and baby, the dating itself doesn't matter that much.
  • Thank you :)  Yeah, I'm sure that's the important thing!   If the way of measurement is crown-rump, then if the baby is more curled up do you think that could effect dating?

    I'm attaching both of my ultrasounds (6 days apart, both measuring 9 weeks 1 day).  The one I took today seems a bit more curled up, so I'm thinking maybe that could affect it too :).
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