hi guys, just wondering if you have experienced any ultrasound measuring inconsistencies and if so, if you would please share your outcomes?
I have had 3 ultrasounds so far: 2 normally schedules ones two weeks apart measuring 6 weeks 6 days and 9 weeks 1 day, respectively. today I went to my obgyn to rule out the possibility of an infection and he happened to give me another - it's a week later and the baby measured 9 weeks 1 day when I expected it to be 10 weeks. I know it's all pretty arbitrary and I'm not too worried (most importantly my doctor isn't worried at all) - everything else looks good, and we can still see/hear a strong heartbeat, see all the extemities and fluid around the baby is what it should be. just wondering if it's common for the dating to be off? thanks in advance
Re: measuring inconsistencies?