1st Trimester

Help with severe morning sickness!!!

I am almost 9 weeks and for the past 3 weeks I can not keep anything down. I talked to my doctor and he prescribed me Zofron but that isnt helping at all. I can not even keep water down. At this point I am beginning to worry because I feel like my little one is not getting the nutrients he/she needs. Any one else have any advice on what I should do or when to go to the ER?

Re: Help with severe morning sickness!!!

  • edited November 2013
    If zofran isn't helping I don't think they can give you anything else to make you feel better. However, you should call your doctor and tell them what's going on. They will tell you when to go to the ER. If you truly haven't been holding down any water for several days, they will probably send you to get IV fluid, which should make you feel a little bit better
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  • OP, how is your urine output? Meaning, is it scant and dark? If so, could be a sign of dehydration.

     There are actually other things they can do to help the m/s. There are other meds, there is also the unisom/b-6 combo, and there are iv meds. I think you should persue this and try to get some relief. But defenitely address teh possible dehydration first like today.

     I know how hard it is, I'm sorry. I hope you are able to get the help and support you need right now.
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  • They can definitely give you other meds- Zofran didn't work for me either.  I would call your doctor, or if it's after hours and you think you are dehydrated, go to the ER.  They will check your urine for protein/keytones (I think that's what she called them), and possibly set you up with an IV to get some fluid in you.  They will probably either give you meds through an IV or prescribe you an anti-nausea suppository- if you can't keep anything down, you won't be able to keep anything in pill form down either.

    Good luck, it sucks, I know.  Hang in there though- I am still sick but markedly better now that I'm almost at the 12 week mark. 
  • Girl, I feel you. That's where I am too. I would go to the ER if it's been awhile without being able to keep down liquids. Even one day is super rough on your body. I almost had to go last night (I threw up over 20x yesterday)- Then all of a sudden I was able to keep down quite a bit of Gatorade. I guess medications work better if you are already hydrated too- which is why IVs are a really good idea when you are that sick. I'm so sorry for your suffering. :( 
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  • Go to the ER. They can give you IV fluids. Then call your doctor and tell them what's going on.

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