1st Trimester

5 weeks pregnant and symptoms went away

I had a blood test last week and it was positive. Im very excited and happy. Right now I am at 5 weeks right now. Last week I felt cramps, headaches, light headedness, and fatigue. A couple days ago, it all went away. I worried. People say its good that I dont feel symptoms. I dont even feel nauseated at all. I havent had any blood show up either so I know things are good. I am also very teary and emotional, even laughing makes me tear. Please give me some advice. I cant make an appointment until weeks from now and i cant wait. Can someone please give me some advice. Has this happened to anyone?

Re: 5 weeks pregnant and symptoms went away

  • Symptoms come and go throughout pregnancy. I'm sure you're fine.

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  • JadeVonFoxJadeVonFox member
    edited November 2013
    I am 5 weeks 1 day and my symptoms seem to have tapered off too... All except the sore breasts, but my OB said it is ok... Not to worry cause symptoms come and go. She said my symptoms could come back with a vengence so to be happy that I feel normal for now lol

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  • Ok that's good to know. This is my first so, I am a little freaked out. 
  • I get a certain symptom for about 3 days, then nothing for a few more days, then a new symptom for 3 days and so on and so forth. The first day I didn't get a cramp had me worrying. But so far so good and I'm at 11 weeks!
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  • I would agree that this is super normal. I have had very few pregnancy symptoms with mine and this week I went from wanting no food and being nauseated to eating like a pig and feeling great.
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    Started taking Femaprin & Milk Thistle Aug '13, then added Metformin Sept '13......Surprise BFP 10/26/13!!!! The first time in 10 years that we got a BFP without infertility treatments!

  • I'm around 5 weeks and I haven't had any symptoms at all, apart from two positive tests and a missed period. I read that the severe symptoms don't show up til around week 6.
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  • I'm 5 weeks 2 days & I'm the same way. Just kind of sore breasts but that's it. I'm nervous because I've had a miscarriage before at 6 1/2 weeks & I had zero symtoms so I was pretty nervous with this time around feeling the same way. Keep us posted.
  • I am the same way! I am 5 weeks 3 days and I have semi sore boobs, tiredness, and a missed period!! I am freaking out and it's very hard to stay calm. I bled the day I tested positive not after that, but I am hoping everything is ok.
  • I had come and go symptoms that were really nice until about 7 weeks... then *bam* the intense morning sickness hit me. It's sooo not fun. Enjoy it while it lasts!!
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  • Woke up this am & my breasts aren't sore like they have been. I hate this waiting game. I go to dr nov 12 - I'm just praying I make it that far & don't miscarry. My husband says I worry too much but when you've miscarried before it's just I can't help it. It's pretty funny that you wake up & are mad your breasts aren't sore!
  • I am with you. Week 5, missed period, no symptoms. This was our 1st month after stopping BCP, so I started testing every darn day last week but I got 4 negatives with Dollar Tree test kits and left town. Last night had my hubby grab a "not dollar store test" as we were pulling back into town and bam! BFP! (also re-took dollar tree test & it came back positive this time).

    I am worried about all the negative tests and lack of symptoms. I had breast implants 10+ yrs now but never have had much sensation in my breasts since, so while my nipples were a little sore, I figured it was more because I'm squeezing them every 5 minutes to check for soreness lol.

    So I called the Doc this morning and we have a confirmation appointment for Monday Nov. 25th. THATS SO FAR AWAY!!!

    I hope everything goes well with you & yours! Looks like several of us were in this same boat at some point or another.

  • I will find out tomorrow when my appt is im 6 weeks and I've had soooo many symptoms i started taking some prenatals and started feeling a little better they really make me feel more at ease
  • I'm surprised you had any symptoms that early. They will probably come back. Enjoy it while you can

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  • It's very normal for symptoms to come and go. 
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  • Agree with everyone else.  Don't worry at all about your symptoms - everyone is different and every baby is different.  Just enjoy not feeling bad!! :)
  • Thanks everyone. I'm just so nervous when one day my breasts hurt & now today it's fine. I'm so nervous all the time. Thanks for the heads up on symtojms coming & going makes me feel a little better
  • I'm 5 weeks 2 days, my symptoms come abd go i was feeling very bloated befire but I been feeling much better then I have been..my firs t doc apointment is tommrow
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