1st Trimester

Immodium ad

Is it safe to take during the first trimester for diarrhea?

Re: Immodium ad

  • My box says not for pregnant women :(
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  • No. No Immodium or Pepto.
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  • When I asked the nurse in the office she said it was fine. What's the deal?
  • Luna CLuna C member
    edited November 2013
    My doc also said it was fine, as does the Mayo Clinic book. (I triple checked this because I took it twice before I knew.)

    ETA: I was told Kaopectate and Pepto are both definite NOs because the reformulated versions have some ingredient (I forget which one) that is known to cause problems for preggos. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • But immodium ads ingredients are safe?
  • Imodium is fine

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

  • gypsymysticgypsymystic member
    edited November 2013
    Edit: Sorry, thought this was about heartburn. Imodium works great. 
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    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • hjweberhjweber member
    edited November 2013
    Imodium is safe.  If in doubt, ask your OB.

    Edited for more info: In reference to Kaopectate & Pepto-  "This drug contains an aspirin-like product (salicylate). Children and teenagers should not take this product if they have chickenpox, flu, or any undiagnosed illness or if they have recently received a vaccine. In these cases, taking aspirin or aspirin-like products increases the risk of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious illness.

    During the first 6 months of pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed because of the salicylate. It is not recommended for use during the last 3 months of pregnancy due to possible harm to the unborn baby and interference with normal labor/delivery. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor."

    OP, if you asked the nurse and she said Imodium was safe, why are you still concerned?

    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
  • C2rr13 said:
    When I asked the nurse in the office she said it was fine. What's the deal?
    If a nurse said it was Ok, why are you asking us? As a general rule, trust people with medical training over anonymous people online when it comes to your health.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I did some more reading and it looks like there are many sources saying it's safe as there are saying it's not. Go with what your provider tells you is best.

    Pepto is definitely still a no, though.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It looks like it moved from Class B to C. Mayo Clinic does say no. My GP said it was fine and then my Ob said no...ah! I'm trying a new IB medicine that is Class B to get my insides under control. GL!
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  • I was told it was fine by my doctors office and I've been taking it.
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