1st Trimester

My practitioner won't do a 1st trimester ultrasound!

I'm ten weeks along with my first baby, and I've been going to the same practice I went to for my GYN pre-pregnancy. It's a really highly respected practice in my area and they seem to know what they're doing. BUT it seems like everyone on here and that I know gets first trimester ultrasounds... My practitioner won't do one until 20 weeks for anatomy and gender prediction, that's it, then not again until the last month. They said it's not necessary since I'm low risk and I kept track of my cycles religiously so I know my exact dates. We've heard the hearbeat on the Doppler, I'm just wondering if this is ok or if I should be seeking another practitioner? Worried they'll miss something important!

Re: My practitioner won't do a 1st trimester ultrasound!

  • 1st trimester ultrasounds are unnecessary for most pregnancies. Be happy you don't have a history of losses, infertility, or aren't having complications that warrant an ultrasound. 

    Exactly this. A lot of the women here are dealing with the things GM listed. I had early ultrasounds because I was under the care of an RE. Otherwise, I'd only get the anatomy scan as well, plus the NT if I opted to do it. That's it.
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  • @mrsmuq: it isn't so much that I feel uncomfortable about it since they're professionals, it just worries me that so many people seem to have such a different sequence of events, that's all. Just wondering if this is something anyone else has gone through with their pregnancy.
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  • Wow, I guess I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks so much for putting my mind at ease, ladies. This is just really overwhelming for a first-timer, but I'm sure you all know that :)
  • Oh nevermind. I just realized (by looking at his/her profile) that ghostmonkey is a troll. And arguing with trolls is, well, you know what they say. This is a pregnancy forum. Get a life.
  • I got lucky enough to hear a hb but I won't see my baby until second tri. I know it can be hard to accept at first, but it's a good thing your doctor isn't worried.

    It's a BOY

  •  OP,  I have found that providers vary a lot on when they offer ultrasounds. Some of my pregnancies I had them early (spotting with one, dates with another, this time because I had a loss last time) and some of them I didn't have one until 20 weeks.

     I think if you are happy with your provider, I'd probably stay with them-if not, this could be a good time to switch. Sounds like you're happy though, and congrats on hearing the heartbeat, that's great!!!
  • Where I am in Canada, 1 u/s @ 20 weeks is normal... Like pp's have said, you only get more if you're high risk for some reason.

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    BabyFruit Ticker

    TTC #1 since July 2010
    July 2011: Referred to RE, started Letrozole
    August 2011: BFP #1! M/C @ 5wks
    September 2011 - September 2012: test, after test, after test... S/A, HCG, B/W... Diagnosis: unexplained infertility. Letrozole, Metformin... nothing.
    September 2012: Diagnosed gluten intolerance; now living strict GF diet.
    November 2012: BFP #2! MM/C @ 6wks (discovered at 8wks). 2 rounds of Misoprostal - nothing. D&C December 2012.
    May 2013: BFP #3! Hoping this one sticks! 4x prometrium/day EDD: 01/25/14
    06/03/13: 1st u/s We have a heartbeat! Team green!
    01/24/14: Team green turned team pink. Baby girl was born!
    08/05/14: Surprise BFP #4! (Unmedicated, no pp period, EDD unknown)
    08/15/14: 1 u/s We have a heartbeat! Measured 6wks 2 days. EDD 04/08/15. Team green!
    04/08/15: Team green turned team pink. Baby girl was born!
    03/29/16: BFP #5! (Unmedicated, 1 cycle TTC) EDD: 11/09/16

  • @irachelle80 thanks for your answer, but I have a question. My doctor also said that an NT scan usually isn't covered by insurance and is very expensive, and that doing a quad screen panel is sufficient. Is this your experience as well? I specifically asked for the NT scan but she just wasn't into it.
  • Every pregnancy is different, some require more ultrasounds than others! I didn't get my first ultrasound until 20 weeks because thankfully, I'm low risk. BUT- I was impatient and went in for an elective gender determination ultrasound :-)
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited November 2013
    @irachelle80 thanks for your answer, but I have a question. My doctor also said that an NT scan usually isn't covered by insurance and is very expensive, and that doing a quad screen panel is sufficient. Is this your experience as well? I specifically asked for the NT scan but she just wasn't into it.
    If you are under 35 and low risk, the NT scan is not required, it is elective. That's probably why it's not covered. Here in Ontario, providers still have to offer it (as a choice) and if we opt to do it, our provincial health care will cover it. I understand that the protocol is different in the US.
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  • I did get one & don't know if there's a real need to get one early but I have heard of this & in fact, our parents probably never got any ultrasounds...
    I wonder about US at times,,, I mean-- they used to believe x ray was safe & harmless but later discovered latent damages so I think less US the better. if you are uncomfortable or want it for peace of mind then I'd just request it.
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  • I only wish I only had a us at 20 weeks. My first pregnancy was the only one I got that privilege. My second pregnancy I only had two but they were later also.

    I was tickled pink when my dr told me this time just wait until closer to 8 weeks for the first us. My chart already does say threatened abortion but Obviously he feels better about this pregnancy as do I. The only time I had multiple us early was because of spotting or bleeding or thinking it may be ectopic and they all ended up in MC.

    I imagine this pregnancy I will have multiple us and trust me it's not fun because it's so stressful to me.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • The norm is to have one ultrasound at 20 weeks and a second around 10-13 weeks if you are doing the 1st screen genetic testing.  Some women get extras because of their history.  Some women just have u/s happy doctors.  Personally I'm fine having the minimum amount - as fun as it is to see baby, there's no medical need for additional ultrasounds.
  • Did they at least offer the NT scan? Because I'd be dubious of the practice if they didn't. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but you should have the option. 

    I got a medically unnecessary US at 7w5d because I was at the OB's office getting checked out for a UTI. I didn't ask, they just gave me one "to check on the pregnancy while you're here" which I greatly appreciated. Then I had an NT scan at 12w3d, not because I'm high risk, but because I wanted the screening, which they offer to all patients. I'm having my anatomy scan on Monday at 18w3d and that's it for US unless problems arise later on or if they need to verify position before labor. 

    I understand how it's confusing, some of my friends with very similar pregnancies had very different experiences. Blood confirmation for pregnancies, early ultrasounds, different schedule for visits. Every OB's office is different, I was weirded out at first too. 
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  • In the uk u get one at 12wks that's to check and date then 20wks check and predict sex sometimes u will get one before 12wks
  • I got my first ultrasound at 8 weeks.  My pregnancy was low risk and I had no prior issues but it's a good thing my doctor did one!  We found out I was pregnant with twins.  They were too small to hear their heartbeats but we could see them.  If you want an early ultrasound then tell your doctor you want one.  If they refuse then seek another doctor.  If they won't bend on this request then they might be super strict about future ones.  My early ultrasound also detected some cysts on my ovaries that we have to keep an eye on.
  • Labyrinth3000Labyrinth3000 member
    edited November 2013
    I got my first ultrasound at 8 weeks.  My pregnancy was low risk and I had no prior issues but it's a good thing my doctor did one!  We found out I was pregnant with twins.  They were too small to hear their heartbeats but we could see them.  If you want an early ultrasound then tell your doctor you want one.  If they refuse then seek another doctor.  If they won't bend on this request then they might be super strict about future ones.  My early ultrasound also detected some cysts on my ovaries that we have to keep an eye on.
    LOL what?? Yeah, no.
    Way to add intelligent conversation to the discussion. Or maybe I should put this in better terms for you.  "Like what-evaaa. LOL. Don't hate."
  • I got my first ultrasound at 8 weeks.  My pregnancy was low risk and I had no prior issues but it's a good thing my doctor did one!  We found out I was pregnant with twins.  They were too small to hear their heartbeats but we could see them.  If you want an early ultrasound then tell your doctor you want one.  If they refuse then seek another doctor.  If they won't bend on this request then they might be super strict about future ones.  My early ultrasound also detected some cysts on my ovaries that we have to keep an eye on.
    This really isn't great advice considering that her doctor is following ACOG guidelines. If her doctor was refusing to do something that was the normal standard of care, fine, but to request and go elsewhere simply because they aren't offering medically unnecessary tests is silly and childish. And you never know, your insurance might not cover all those extra US. 
    Valid point.  I guess I just don't get what the big deal is with asking for an early ultrasound.  My insurance covered it and it's easy to ask if yours does too.  Where I live this is common practice.  All my friends and family had an ultrasound on their first OBGYN appointment so I assumed this was the norm.  My early ultrasound proved valuable in the end so I'm glad I got it.  I don't mind being a bit silly and demanding about my pregnancy.  I've paid a ton to my insurance company and the hospital over the years so I can be picky with what doctor I want and what level of care I prefer.  
  • An

    I got my first ultrasound at 8 weeks.  My pregnancy was low risk and I had no prior issues but it's a good thing my doctor did one!  We found out I was pregnant with twins.  They were too small to hear their heartbeats but we could see them.  If you want an early ultrasound then tell your doctor you want one.  If they refuse then seek another doctor.  If they won't bend on this request then they might be super strict about future ones.  My early ultrasound also detected some cysts on my ovaries that we have to keep an eye on.

    This really isn't great advice considering that her doctor is following ACOG guidelines. If her doctor was refusing to do something that was the normal standard of care, fine, but to request and go elsewhere simply because they aren't offering medically unnecessary tests is silly and childish. And you never know, your insurance might not cover all those extra US. 

    Valid point.  I guess I just don't get what the big deal is with asking for an early ultrasound.  My insurance covered it and it's easy to ask if yours does too.  Where I live this is common practice.  All my friends and family had an ultrasound on their first OBGYN appointment so I assumed this was the norm.  My early ultrasound proved valuable in the end so I'm glad I got it.  I don't mind being a bit silly and demanding about my pregnancy.  I've paid a ton to my insurance company and the hospital over the years so I can be picky with what doctor I want and what level of care I prefer.  
    Others (@ghostmonkey and @elmoali) have explained how this affects the rest of us, but just because you feel you've paid it forward plenty doesn't mean you can demand/request what you prefer. And I certainly don't want to pay more because some doctor caved to a patient's demand for unnecessary ultrasounds.

    I just don't get why people want to have way more invasive care than is needed. Just embrace that you're having a healthy, low risk pregnancy.
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    О Привязать! Z!
    The Science Babies debuted 5/6/14 @ 34 weeks
  • As others have said, unless you're high risk or had trouble ttc, it's normal not to have one until the anatomy scan.

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  • With my first pregnancy I had a dating US at 8 weeks, NT scan at 13 weeks and 20week anatomy scan. With this pregnancy I have a new Ob. They only do the 20 week anatomy scan as routine care. They did ask if I wanted to have the NT scan again, and gave me the phone number to call the hospital and schedule
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  • OP, I'm just curious. What would you do if you had to pay totally OOP for each US?
    image  image
    О Привязать! Z!
    The Science Babies debuted 5/6/14 @ 34 weeks
  • OP, I'm just curious. What would you do if you had to pay totally OOP for each US?
    I'm sitting here looking at one of my u/s bills...for our echo u/s it was $273 (before adjustments) just for it to be read by the doctor, not counting the facility and other charges. And actually, it was double that because with twins they bill twice. Yeesh.

    Multiply that approximate figure by the number of u/s I had for my multiple-complications mo/di twin pregnancy (6wks, 11wks, 16wks, 18wks, 20wk A/S, then every week from 22wks till birth at 37wks) and pretty sure I would've had to take out another mortgage just to cover it all OOP. And that's not even including the bills for lab work, MFM, NSTs, regular visits, and the actual L&D.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • I think I should point out here that I'm not demanding extra ultrasounds, I was originally concerned because, based upon the experience of the women in my life, it was normal to have an US during each trimester. I asked this question in order to find out if that was actually true BEFORE demanding more US or switching providers (In my posting title, I did mean to add a question mark, not an exclamation point). So, now that my question has been thoroughly answered, I'm totally comfortable with having only one. I feel like I'm being demonized or something as though I'm dead set on having unnecessary procedures. I posted this to ask the community their opinion about whether or not the procedures ARE necessary.

    And for clarification, I'm on public healthcare (because of other serious pre-existing conditions which have thus far prevented me from getting coverage any other way), and the only reason I qualify for Medicaid is because of this pregnancy (I do work full-time and am a full-time student). So, @curlylocks3, I'm quite used to being a self-pay patient, for procedures far more costly than US. Most of my income, for most of my adult life, has gone to doctors.
  • If you really can't wait there are usually 3-D ultrasound places in your area where you can pay for it to be done. Personally a waste of money but it is an option.
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    The bumpie formerly known as First Time in MI
  • 24karat24karat member
    edited November 2013
    @breakfastt, I think the tag about paying OOP was more of a food-for-thought observation.

    Most of the recent posts about extra u/s were (I think) intended to be directed toward those who answered your question by saying it's not a huge deal to ask for/insist on extra unnecessary u/s. Your question was better than doing the immediate jump to "oh no my OB is incompetent and putting my baby and me at risk by saying _____ isn't needed" reaction we often see on this board. Some providers hand out u/s like Halloween candy, but most follow the guidelines for u/s only when necessary. Betas are another example of something women worry about not having done, when in reality it's not always necessary.

    EDIT: spelling is hard...
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13

  • argonne said:

    As others have said, unless you're high risk or had trouble ttc, it's normal not to have one until the anatomy scan.

    This. I don't understand the ultrasound obsession. I really don't. I had a dating/viability u/s at 8.5 weeks. I won't have another u/s until 20 weeks. I didn't even get one at the hospital when I went in gushing blood at 12 weeks. I've heard the heartbeat multiple times on the doppler. I know baby is growing. 

    I grew up in a family full of medical professionals, I don't want or expect unnecessary medical treatment. 

    I think maybe for some women, especially in their first pregnancy, it's easy to refer to images given to us by the media and other not-so-great sources about what pregnancy is like.

    I know that personally, because I was ignorantly expecting an early US, I was really surprised and concerned when it wasn't offered. Also, I'm having a very difficult time connecting emotionally to my pregnancy and because most women have told me "oh, once you hear the heartbeat/see the ultrasound/feel the baby move, that will all change", I was very disappointed that all my friends had gotten that experience and I will have to wait. I desperately want to start "feeling it", and nothing else is working. But of course I would never want to have unnecessary procedures done, especially because US is relatively new and damages caused may not yet be known.

    I think it's important to understand that because incorrect information is proliferated, many people think they are doing the right thing, or nothing "wrong", and they shouldn't be held at fault for this. In this society, doctors are treated as gods and rarely questioned.
  • argonne said:
    As others have said, unless you're high risk or had trouble ttc, it's normal not to have one until the anatomy scan.
    This. I don't understand the ultrasound obsession. I really don't. I had a dating/viability u/s at 8.5 weeks. I won't have another u/s until 20 weeks. I didn't even get one at the hospital when I went in gushing blood at 12 weeks. I've heard the heartbeat multiple times on the doppler. I know baby is growing. 

    I grew up in a family full of medical professionals, I don't want or expect unnecessary medical treatment. 
    I think maybe for some women, especially in their first pregnancy, it's easy to refer to images given to us by the media and other not-so-great sources about what pregnancy is like. I know that personally, because I was ignorantly expecting an early US, I was really surprised and concerned when it wasn't offered. Also, I'm having a very difficult time connecting emotionally to my pregnancy and because most women have told me "oh, once you hear the heartbeat/see the ultrasound/feel the baby move, that will all change", I was very disappointed that all my friends had gotten that experience and I will have to wait. I desperately want to start "feeling it", and nothing else is working. But of course I would never want to have unnecessary procedures done, especially because US is relatively new and damages caused may not yet be known. I think it's important to understand that because incorrect information is proliferated, many people think they are doing the right thing, or nothing "wrong", and they shouldn't be held at fault for this. In this society, doctors are treated as gods and rarely questioned.
    That's totally understandable. If it's any consolation, we got a photo to keep after my 8 wk ultrasound and I still had a hard time connecting the little blob in the picture with what was going on inside my body. We didn't get to hear the heartbeat but we could see it flickering away. It was still surreal. It only really started to connect for me this past week when I could feel the beginnings of an actual bump starting to rise above my pelvic bone.

    Hang in there, it'll come together for you too.
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  • I think depends on dr. Had my
    First u/a at 9 weeks to date the pregnancy. I had the NT scan which was my choice (prob opt out with second time around) and I don't get another until my 20 weeks.
  • With my DS I was high risk, and I only received one at 18weeks and another at 31 weeks.

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    Me: 30 
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  • Like another poster said, don't feel cheated out of a chance to bond earlier with an u/s. I've had two and they didn't make me fall in love. I still can't connect that blob to a baby. However, I will say that hearing the HB was pretty magical. You can do that yourself with a Doppler at weeks 10-11 (or somewhere around there) if you choose.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • With my son I only had one ultrasound at 20 weeks. Even with all of the preterm labor stuff I dealt with from 28-36 weeks, I never received an additional ultrasound. This pregnancy I am being seen by a high risk group of doctors. I will get them more frequently due to being high risk.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

  • In my area (from my experience), patients are given a dating u/s, NT is a standard examine (covered by insurance) and the 20 week scan. I'm pretty sure my office does a 30 something scan for size, fluid, etc. It's been a while. Every time I read these types of posts, I wonder if it is just different regional standards.
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
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