November 2013 Moms

Unhelpful Advice--OVER IT.

I am not sure if people just love spreading gloom and doom, or if they are working out their own psychological trauma, but seriously, I am so sick of people telling me about all the crap that I am in for.  Whether it's the end of pregnancy, labor, postpartum, my relationship post baby, my life post baby---everyone's got an opinion, and most of them are tinged with negativity, or my favorite "just wait!" Or when I say I've planned a natural birth..."that's what you say now!" or "good luck!" Why they are asking me what kind of birth I am having in the first place is the actual problem.  SO OVER IT.

I'm not expecting this to be easy--cause I am not a dummy.   The fact that it is hard is what made me wait until DH and I felt ready, and I felt financially, physically and psychology able to take this on.  However, no one else's experience is going to be my own--mine might be harder, might be easier, but it will be mine.  I know people may think they may be helping, but it's not helpful, at all.  It's starting to really piss me off and I am at that hormonal stage in my pregnancy where I might actually throw down.  Anyone have a good way to shut it down when people start spewing negativity?  GIF's welcome.
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Unhelpful Advice--OVER IT.

  • I remember someone responding to a similar post a while ago with something to the tune of it is their way to relate to what you're going through.  I try to always remind myself of that when people start in with the unsolicited advice.  I do sympathize with you though, especially when it's coming from someone that I don't have a lot of respect for as a person/parent.  My SIL is famous for telling me how everything WILL be, not might--but will.  I think you have the right attitude that your experience will be your own--just brush it off.
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  • I just ignore it. In the end of the day, babies are all different. No, we don't know when their coming, how they will sleep/eat/poop/pee/etc., or how labor will be, but neither do you so STFU.

    ...okay maybe I am a little stabby about the advice.


  • I posted this blog to my facebook the other day in hopes that certain people would get the hint.

    This was really beautiful, thank you for sharing!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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