1st Trimester

10 week appointment today

Well after almost being sent home after medical history and blood work, they remembered I get to see the OB and find a heart beat.... First they had me down for 9w6d which I thought I was about 10w2d seeing as how the first day of my last period was august 19 (I know it's only a few days t still).. But maybe I did the math wrong. I'm pretty positive they scheduled this appointment exactly 5 weeks from my 5 week appointment.... Anywho the OB said we may not even find a hb at 10 weeks. Not to freak out because a lot of the times they don't. She felt around in my pelvis and said she didn't feel anything but would try anyways with the Doppler. I guess to her surprise she found a very strong beautiful heartbeat. It was like music to my ear. I could listen to it all day. The first words out of my mouth were "is that my baby?!" . It became so real. Butttt because of this she thought I was between 10-12 weeks. Also because she could feel baby/uterus during my pelvic exam. After that she asked me if I was sure about my last period...I guess I will know for sure because I go back in 4 weeks for an US. Just thought I would share. What are your thoughts on the date and my OB being a little confused?

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Re: 10 week appointment today

  • We heard the heartbeat with the Doppler at 10 weeks in the doctors office. It doesn't seem like your math is wrong or anything. I am glad you heard your baby's heartbeat though!
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
    CP 9/2013
    DD 2 6/2014
    CP 3/2016        
     BFP 12/8/2016        
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thank you. Yeah no complaints here i couldn't believe I was actually hearing my baby's little heart pounding away . Like there really is a baby growing in there. So surreal.... I'm just confused about my dates because my doctors seemed confused about them too

    It's a BOY

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  • Congrats!  I heard heartbeat for the first time today too, but it was through an ultrasound.

    Don't know if I can give any feedback on your experience, but once you have your first ultrasound and they can measure the baby you should be able to solve your dating problem.  Very excited for you!

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  • Yeah I guess I shouldn't think too much in to it. I will say I feel soooooo much better and I think I can finally breathe and relax. No more worrying

    It's a BOY

  • :)  Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much, it's only 3 days difference.  Actually, I think the dating can fluctuate a bit...according to my last appointment, I was supposed to be 8 weeks 6 days today, but today I measured 9 weeks 1 day, so 2 days difference.  At least we got to hear the heart beating!  Now back to waiting for the next appointment!  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • You mean, she thought they couldn't hear it with a doppler? Because a transvag US will pick up the HB at 6 weeks. I saw mine at 7 weeks. That's really confusing. 


  • Ugh yes but I think this wait will be so much easier now that my mind is at ease. And only 4 weeks away

    It's a BOY

  • Picking up the heartbeat via doppler is still iffy at 10 weeks, sometimes they can find it, and sometimes not.  It depends on uterus position, baby position, weight of the mother (I believe it can be more difficult if mom is very overweight).  It might even depend on the doppler (not sure if some are more sensitive than others?) My uterus is actually tipped back a bit, so we didn't hear the heartbeat via doppler at 10 weeks for either of my pregnancies.  However, I just had a dating ultrasound the day before, so we aren't worried about it. 
  • Yes that's what she had made it sound like. I have also been told buying a Doppler before 10 weeks is just asking for trouble because it's likely you won't find anything. I was so blessed to hear that little heart

    It's a BOY

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