Well after almost being sent home after medical history and blood work, they remembered I get to see the OB and find a heart beat.... First they had me down for 9w6d which I thought I was about 10w2d seeing as how the first day of my last period was august 19 (I know it's only a few days t still).. But maybe I did the math wrong. I'm pretty positive they scheduled this appointment exactly 5 weeks from my 5 week appointment....
Anywho the OB said we may not even find a hb at 10 weeks. Not to freak out because a lot of the times they don't. She felt around in my pelvis and said she didn't feel anything but would try anyways with the Doppler. I guess to her surprise she found a very strong beautiful heartbeat. It was like music to my ear. I could listen to it all day. The first words out of my mouth were "is that my baby?!" . It became so real. Butttt because of this she thought I was between 10-12 weeks. Also because she could feel baby/uterus during my pelvic exam. After that she asked me if I was sure about my last period...I guess I will know for sure because I go back in 4 weeks for an US. Just thought I would share. What are your thoughts on the date and my OB being a little confused?
Re: 10 week appointment today
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016