What a night! Lilly spent the first half screaming and fussing away for hours... and then the power went out at 2:30am. And the snow started. And the house got frigid. And you might remember I had run out of pre-mixed formula and was starting powder today... with no hot water!
Daddy Genious suggested going for a car ride and praise God she didn't make a peep the whole time. By the time we got home, she'd slept for a good 2 hours and I let her sleep a third in her carseat. The power finally came back on around 8. While we were out we stopped at Speedway and got a big cup of hot water for her bottle... the women there were so sweet and practically offerred to watch her for us until the power came back on:) That would've made a good baby book story...
"When you were 12 days old, our power went out so we took you to the gas station and left you with a bunch of strangers for a couple hours so Mommy and Daddy could get some sleep."
Ahh, we survived anyway:) Add that to the list of firsts!
Re: Ahh, NYE power outage with a 12-day old...
I agree!
OMG, what drama to deal with in the middle of the night. You guys must be just exhausted! What good parents, and what troopers you are!
Hope you get some rest today
What an eventful night, hope tonight is less drama filled.