Parenting after a Loss

Ahh, NYE power outage with a 12-day old...

What a night!  Lilly spent the first half screaming and fussing away for hours... and then the power went out at 2:30am.  And the snow started.  And the house got frigid.  And you might remember I had run out of pre-mixed formula and was starting powder today... with no hot water! 

Daddy Genious suggested going for a car ride and praise God she didn't make a peep the whole time.  By the time we got home, she'd slept for a good 2 hours and I let her sleep a third in her carseat.  The power finally came back on around 8.  While we were out we stopped at Speedway and got a big cup of hot water for her bottle... the women there were so sweet and practically offerred to watch her for us until the power came back on:)  That would've made a good baby book story...

"When you were 12 days old, our power went out so we took you to the gas station and left you with a bunch of strangers for a couple hours so Mommy and Daddy could get some sleep."

 Ahh, we survived anyway:)  Add that to the list of firsts!

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