1st Trimester

Reintroduction and a question

Good morning, mommies!  I wanted to take a second to introduce myself and ask a quick question.

I got my BFP recently and I am nervous/excited.  DH and I have a 15 month old son already.  I'm nervous about having two so close in age.  I used to frequent this board when I was pregnant with him.

Question: I want to tell the grandparents (keeping it hush from other friends and family) in a cute way.  My parents are 3 hours away, but my in-laws are closer.  We want to tell them at the same time, so I was thinking take a picture of DS with a big brother shirt and text it to them--then wait for reactions.  I'd also like for all three of us to dress up for Halloween and take a picture that incorporates the new baby that way.  Any ideas?
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Re: Reintroduction and a question

  • Oh, and why is my siggy still showing that ticker and those pictures when I went in and erased them!
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  • Congratulations! As long as you don't think they would be upset getting the message via text I would say that is a good way to do it.
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
    CP 9/2013
    DD 2 6/2014
    CP 3/2016        
     BFP 12/8/2016        
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  • Congrats!  We actually texted my husband's parents today.  We tried to call them but couldn't reach them on the phone, but they responded to texts (also, they're 3 hours ahead of us so coordinating phone calls where my husband, myself and the parents are all available limits us to weekends only).  First time around we told them via webcam, which we were gonna do again on Thanksgiving but today was just the day to tell them!  I doubt they cared it was via text - they're so happy to hear the news and yours will be too!
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