
He Won't Wake Up

My little one is 6 days old today and he won't wake up to eat no matter what I do. I have tried changing his diaper/clothes, rubbing my nipple on his cheek and lips, rubbed a little milk on his lips, patted his tummy and bottom and the only thing I get is a screaming baby. He will scream for almost an hour before he falls back asleep. The whole time he's awake I try to get him to nurse but he turns away from me and screams some more. He eats for almost an hour at a time but he will only eat every 4 hours at most and at night he doesn't wake up to eat. I just don't know what to do. He isn't wetting enough diapers either. Today he's wet 3 or 4. (Not sure if daddy changed one once I laid down to take a nap) My question is what can I do to make him wake up to eat without screaming bloody murder? 
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Re: He Won't Wake Up

  • VitaLunaVitaLuna member
    edited October 2013
    Some people may have more specific advice, but I personally would call the pediatrician (today, because of the diapers/ dehydration) and make an appt to see a LC first thing tomorrow.



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  • Call the pedi.  If you can't reach him/her go to the ER.  That doesn't sound right.
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  • Yes this doesn't sound right call the pedi right away, if he isn't making enough wet diapers he needs to be seen
  • We went through the same thing with our LO. I will tell you that waking up a sleeping baby is torture for the both of you. We basically did everything you are doing. Stripped him down, change diaper, etc. and went to the cold wet washcloth. That worked for a while. But anything we did made him angry and it took another hour to get him to eat because he was so upset. It's so hard but you have to stick with it. I spent many days crying because of this and the day they told us we didn't have to wake him up anymore was the best day ever! Call your LC and ask for more tips. It sounds like, unfortunately, you may have to be feeding and waking him more often if he's not wetting enough diapers. Maybe ask about supplementing (with formula or pumped milk). We had to do that for almost two months to get our LO's weight up. I know it's hard and it sucks but it's for the best. Good luck.
  • Id take him to be screened for jaundice /dehydration that makes them very sleepy. Also try just snuggling him with you in bed and try side nursing and slip the nipple in while he is asleep he may nurse without even fully waking..( if he isn't dehydrated or jaundiced of course)
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