1st Trimester

lots of questions

So, you'd think I had this all figured out with 2 kids already... :)

I'm newly pregnant with #3, I'm 35, will be 36 when #3 is due.

I called today to schedule my first prenatal appt, but they don't want to see me until 8 weeks!  With my previous 2 at the same obgyn, I had already had my first prenatal and the separate appointment for a dating ultrasound.

I expected at least the same, if not more visits because of my age.  Are my expectations off?  I don't want the office to delay my prenatal screenings and, in my opinion, not starting the first appointment until 8 weeks is already in the wrong direction.  Am I overreacting? 

I also can't get my endocrinologist (for hypothyroidism) to see me until I'll be 9.5 weeks.  When pregnant, aren't we supposed to get tested early and often?  Should I call the OB to try and get an earlier appointment because I can't get an Endo appointment?

Thanks all!

Re: lots of questions

  • edited October 2013
    Do you have a history of miscarriage? Were your other two pregnancies healthy and normal? They might not feel the need to have you come in that early if your history is good since it's the same obgyn office.

  • No, no history of mc that they know of.  I had a chemical pregnancy earlier this year. 

    Though, I really thought I would be seen sooner because I was seen at 6 weeks and 5 weeks with my first and second kids..  Add in my "advanced maternal age"...  I guess I just got my mind set on an ob appointment in the next 2 weeks with an u/s a week later.
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  • AFAIK, they won't schedule you earlier just because you're older. Of course sometimes things happen (like spotting) that may get you in earlier but in general, early u/s are kind of useless. If you went in around 5 weeks they'd be like "There's your sac. Come back in 2 weeks to see if it has a baby in it." and you'd end up not knowing anyways.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • Well there is no test they can preform that early anyway so if your worried about genetic testing usually that happens after 10 weeks for most test. So maybe they aren't bringing you in because it's just to early.
  • They don't do ultrasounds during the prenatal appointment.  I've always had to schedule a separate appointment for that and it was always a week after the prenatal.
  • I've never been seen before 11 weeks with any of my pregnancies.  I will be 13 weeks for my first appointment this time.
  • I am 39 almost for with a MC in feb. I have my first US this coming Friday I will be 7 weeks. I saw the Dr last week at 6 weeks exactly but no US.
    I had bloodwork done but that is it.

    I know some do not have US at all in first trimester.

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

      Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • Does insurance have anything to do with it US ladies? I'm in Aus and got an ultrasound at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and will be going in for a scan at 12 weeks, 16 weeks and 20 weeks through the public system. If you are really worried could you pay to have an earlier scan done?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • My first appointment isn't until 10 weeks and that's with the NP. I don't see the Ob until 14 weeks. I'm 30 but my friend who's 35 goes to the same practice and had the same appointment schedule. With my first at a different Ob my first appointment was at 8 weeks. That's totally normal, there's really nothing for them to do earlier if you're healthy.
    GBCB!!! Regs, lurkers and newbies we are leaving TheBump. Come join us at the new place ****/board/50/14 image
  • My first appointment isn't until I'm 10 weeks.  It's pretty standard to be seen only once or not at all in first tri if you have no history of loss.

    I don't know for sure yet, but I am only expecting 1 U/S at 20 weeks for this pregnancy. 


    Baby #1 due June 5th, 2014

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