1st Trimester

Short Torso - first pregnancy

Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and everything else pregnancy related! I am in week 6 of my first pregnancy. I am 31 years old, 5ft tall and was about 129 before pregnancy. I lost about 3 pounds the first few weeks (before I knew I was pregnant) and now I am almost back up to 129. I feel crazy bloated all the time and I swear my clothes are getting tighter already. Is this normal this early on? I am hungry ALL THE TIME but I am really trying to eat smaller healthier meals. I'm wondering if I will have early weight gain and start showing earlier because I have a very very short torso? 

What are some safe and easy exercises? Other than walking and occasional P90X I was not on a regular workout schedule pre-pregnancy. But I think I could handle a more routine schedule. I'm seriously tired and a little nausea but no vomitting or anything at this point. I'm just not ready to get bigger clothes at just 6 week!

Re: Short Torso - first pregnancy

  • Hi! I am also 5 ft tall and weighed between 125-130 with my first pregnancy. You will definitely feel bloated in your first trimester but don't expect to start seeing a baby bump until the second trimester. The baby is too small at this point and your uterus hasn't grown big enough to be very high up yet. Two of my favorite pregnancy books were what to expect when you're expecting and the pregnancy bible. In the second one, there is a colored photograph chart that shows a naked woman's body each week of her pregnancy so you really can see what to expect with your growing belly : ) you won't gain too much weight in the first tri, the scale will mainly be off from bloating and water weight, so don't worry about that. Most weight gain comes at the end with all of that amniotic fluid and the weight of the baby. Prenatal yoga and walking are both safe, healthy, and prepare your body for a healthy labor/delivery. Tiredness is very normal and it will pass at the end of the first trimester. Listen to your body and rest when you need to, eat frequent healthy snacks, drink plenty of water, stay active with light exercise, take your prenatal vitamins, and stay as relaxed and stress free as possible. Enjoy your pregnancy and congratulations! : )
  • I'm 5'3", so a few inches on you, but I agree with PP that you'll feel bloated first, but won't see a bump for a little while.  I remember wishing it'd just be a bump already the first time around because I just looked fat.

    I worked out throughout my first pregnancy with a trainer.  We would walk to warm up, then he'd mix it up with boxing, kicks, yoga, ab work, and other things to keep me motivated.  Yoga was great for the stretching, and ab/core work for labor recovery.
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  • Hello!

    I'm 4'7" and currently 9w5d with twins, I most definitely did pop out of my clothes by the 5th week. I really haven't gained much weight due to the heinous nausea and food aversions (Pre-pg was 114lbs), but I do have more than the average bloat bump going on. I try to walk everyday for at least 15-20 minutes, but some days I bail due to my overall feelings of grossness. C'mon 2nd tri!!!
    image image 
    Mom to the Lil Man and the Lil' Lady born at 33wks1day 
  • Thanks Ladies! I am trying to work out. I definitely know its just bloat as of right now - but I have heard that women with smaller torsos "pop" earlier. I literally have about an inch of space between the bottom of my ribs and the top of my hips. I have a feeling I will be pretty uncomfortable as I get larger! Right now doing ok though! Just a little nausea but nothing major. Biggest symptom so far is these dang headaches!

    Pinkspark - I couldn't imagine twins with such a small frame!! Good luck girl!!
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