Parenting after a Loss

DD used to be able to roll over

hmmm...she started rolling belly to back at 6 weeks which was very early. It was never consistent but it wasn't a fluke either. She did it many times, sometimes it seemed easier for her than others. But now when I put her on her belly she just seems stuck. Sometimes she still does it but it seems to be happening less and less. Could her body proportions have changed, making it harder for her to flip herself???

Re: DD used to be able to roll over

  • Same thing with DD...but I think with her, it's because she loves being on her belly....from about 6-7 weeks, she would roll from belly to back, and as of the past few weeks, I haven't seen her do it at all..she has however as of two days ago, started rolling from back to belly. I think she just really loves being on her belly.
  • dd doesn't do it as often either. I think it has more to do with them getting better at lifting their bodies. dd really only turns over when she's had enough of the belly action.?
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  • Sophia was the same way!  She rolled belly to back a few times around 6 weeks, then nothing for quite some time.  She just started doing it again at about 5 months and it's pretty consistent now.
  • I was going to suggest what you said-- maybe her proportions have changed and it's a little more difficult now.  I saw the video of her rolling over in your blog-- she definitely had the hang of it!
  • I know you said it wasn't a fluke, but my DD did the same thing and the pedi said it was just accidentally rolling (meaning she was doing it, but not because she knew it would make her end up on her back). She does it all the time now b/c she prefers her back. She won't flip the other way though... I guess she doesn't like the tummy!
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