1st Trimester

Tell the boss

So, I'm 5 weeks and I'm trying to decide is it better to not tell my boss I'm pregnant or not. There's always the potential of miscarriage but lying about taking a day off for a doc appt or if my too queasy to get out of bed sounds sneaky to me. Has anyone told there boss already or if you're waiting, how long are you waiting until and why did you decide to wait.

PS I'm not quitting my job, just will go on maternity leave so there's really no worry there.


Re: Tell the boss

  • I am 9 weeks along and I told my boss this week. I felt I needed to because I have been going through a horrible bout of morning sickness and was afraid my sneaking around and running to the restroom frequently was worse than just telling her that I am expecting. She told me she is excited for me, but also said she couldn't believe I would tell so soon. It was a bit two fold, I was happy she is OK and will work with me throughout my pregnancy but it made me feel like I maybe should have waited. I say do what you feel is right, I think deciding when to tell who what is a pretty personal decision. :) 
  • I told my boss pretty early on - I knew she could keep a secret. Also, I needed her to know about why I would need so many half days for doctor's appts in the coming months. She also recently had a baby and it has been nice to have her to talk to since no one else at work knows yet!

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

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  • My boss is a single dude in his 40s. All of my superiors are single dudes. I'm not saying a word.


  • I told mine last week when i was 6 weeks because of several dr appts i had, i couldn't keep it a secret. mine isn't as understanding as he is late 40s with grown kids - he's the type who lives for work so it will definitely be a challenge for me. same with my coworkers, not a very understanding group i work with
  • edited October 2013
    If you're feeling good and your work isn't suffering hold off on telling until the end of the first trimester. If you're constantly sick, however, do tell. I told my boss at 7 weeks because I had terrible nausea 24/7 and was doing a terrible job at work. I normally work 10-14 hour days but when the morning sickness hit I could barely drag my butt to work for 8 hours of face time and maybe got 1-2 hours of actual work done a day, if any. I ended up going on zofran so I could function.
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  • I told my boss I was TTC, and then also when I found out I got pregnant. How else could I explain the fertility appointments and prenatal visits? I hate lying and he was super supportive of me so it worked out great. Also gives him more than enough time to find a contractor to cover for me while I am out on maternity.
  • I told my boss because I knew she'd be over the moon about the timing. As long as this baby cooperates and stays in there as long as he/she is supposed to this time my maternity leave will take place entirely during our off season where the office is a ghosttown. Also she had a lot of issues with fertility and loss when she was having children so she gets that pregnancy is always a blessing.
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  • I had to call in several days, then had a stay in the ER with pain and clotting do when Hubs went to go get my check, he told my super. I was fine with it, just wish they were understanding when I refuse to take certain clients, like subbing or another care giver of an extremely heavy smoker, or combative clients
  • I told my boss very early, 6 weeks.  We are close and I knew I could trust him.  I've had terrible morning sickness and it's helped a lot because when I just don't feel like getting out of bed I just tell him and he says feel better and to stay home if I need to or come in when I feel better.  I'm a terrible liar so I needed to be honest rather than lying.  If something happens it happens and he will be even more understanding. 





  • My boss knew we were trying, but I haven't told him yet. I'm going to wait a bit more. The receptionists have found out due to my back and forth to the bathroom, but haven't said anything. The awesome part, I'm not around my boss much he's an attorney and always out of the office, so he wont be privy to symptoms, or whats going on until it's pretty obvious. 
  • My boss didn't tell me until she was 20 weeks (I was shocked!) so this go around I plan on waiting as long as I can get away with it and hopefully once I am out of my first trimester.

    With my first pregnancy I waited until I had to tell them at around 8 weeks (because we were going to book a business trip for me late in the pregnancy)



  • I just got BFP today . I prob need to tell my manager in a few days. I administer chemotherapy to cancer patients and I can't do that while pregnant , she needs a heads up so I can take care of patients not receiving chemo. I'm going to tell her not to say anything to anyone else .
  • I would wait till you are out of your first trimester. Not to scare you but I miscarried earlier this year and it sucked that everyone in the office knew about it. I wish I would have waited a little longer to say something. Just food for thought.
  • I told mine already. I was in a weird situation. I just got a new boss. I have a lot of responsibilities so he needed a heads up. Days and weeks fly by in my office so a few people need to start training

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