1st Trimester

Waiting until the 2nd trimester for flu shot?

This Friday I'll be at 10 weeks. My doctor told me that I should get the flu shot and so should my Husband. She said that I can get it anytime during my pregnancy. I feel like I should wait though until my second trimester to get it. I do want to get it over with ASAP in case I do get the flu symptoms the next day, but I also get paranoid about waiting a few more weeks to get it. I'm driving myself crazy. Anyone in the same boat?
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Re: Waiting until the 2nd trimester for flu shot?

  • I just went through this same discussion with my hubby. We honestly don't believe in getting the flu shot because the thought of being infected to then boost your immunity just scares the crap out of me! The last time I got one I actually got the flu terribly a few months later and that was the first time. We're typically pretty healthy people for the most part, but I did skip our flu shot clinic at work so I could ask the doc about it first. And if they reccomend we both get it, well we will comply lol baby is all that matters now! I honestly would prefer to wait until the 2nd trimester also, I want to be in the "safe zone" before I start doing anything like that to myself!

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  • My husband and I never had the flu shot.. My doctor has never even mentioned it either. I know 7 people who had the flu shot last year and they all ended up getting the flu anyways..
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  • rainydayluckrainydayluck member
    edited October 2013
    Something doesn't magically happen at midnight as you start your 12th week, but If you want to wait 2 weeks, then wait.

    I already got mine free from work. Pregnant women can die from the flu, so I certainly got it ASAP.

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  • edited October 2013

    FemShep said it best. Get a flu shot. It's highly recommended not only by your doctor, but also the CDC. There's a reason why healthcare workers get it for free, and it's also required.

    Edited for spelling.


  • I totally agree with FemShep. Anyone who gets the flu later in the season after getting a flu shot has just simply contracted a different strand. The flu shot will always include the most common strands, so you're not totally safe from ALL flu viruses. However, it will reduce your chances of getting a flu virus in general since you will be protected from the most common ones. My doctor said any time during pregnancy is safe. If you're nervous about it, definitely get the "inactivated" kind and not "live."

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • She didn't say that she wouldn't get the shot. She just wanted to know if she should wait until the 12 week "safe mark" to get it. It's a problem my sister is going though, so I decided to search the web for info. All I could find was that it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to get in your system to really start working. My Doc. says that this year the flu shot seemed pretty mild than past ones. It's only a couple of weeks. It's up to you, but I'd wait for the safe mark.
  • I got mine at 6 weeks with #1 and I think about 5 weeks with this one. I got the intradermal which is supposed to be safer for pregnant women because it doesn't have the mercury preservative in it. I always get one though as I'm high risk because of my asthma, so it was never a question for me.

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  • Oh and the flu shot takes a few weeks to become effective, so keep that in mind while you consider putting it off. There is no guarantee the strain they vaccinate you for will be the strain you come into contact with. And you will feel tired and sore for a few days afterwards, doesn't mean you got the flu from the shot, it just means your body is fighting the vaccine and creating the antibodies. I actually had far less reaction to the intradermal that I've ever had with the regular shots. 

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  • I just looked into the intradermal one. I wasn't even aware that flu shot needles tend to be "big", so that one sounds way more pleasing to me!
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  • Oh they are big. My arm is usually very sore for days. This was my first intradermal and it was nothing, just a small prick, hardly any blood at all. I definitely recommend it. 

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  • LC80 said:
    She didn't say that she wouldn't get the shot. She just wanted to know if she should wait until the 12 week "safe mark" to get it. It's a problem my sister is going though, so I decided to search the web for info. All I could find was that it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to get in your system to really start working. My Doc. says that this year the flu shot seemed pretty mild than past ones. It's only a couple of weeks. It's up to you, but I'd wait for the safe mark.
    No, OP didn't say she wouldn't get the shot, but other responses did (with totally BS reasons).  And it's a common question around these parts, so I was perhaps a bit short in my answer.

    BTW, there is no "safe mark" to get the flu shot or in pregnancy.  While losses do decrease as the pregnancy progresses, they can happen at any time.  And flu shots don't increase your chances of pregnancy complications, although they can help you avoid the flu, its serious complications, and its possible impacts on the baby.
  • I totally agree with FemShep. Anyone who gets the flu later in the season after getting a flu shot has just simply contracted a different strand. The flu shot will always include the most common strands, so you're not totally safe from ALL flu viruses. However, it will reduce your chances of getting a flu virus in general since you will be protected from the most common ones. My doctor said any time during pregnancy is safe. If you're nervous about it, definitely get the "inactivated" kind and not "live." 

    ALL pregnant women should get the "inactivated" flu vaccine.  The nasal mist is not recommended to pregnant women.  

    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
  • Oh they are big. My arm is usually very sore for days. This was my first intradermal and it was nothing, just a small prick, hardly any blood at all. I definitely recommend it. 
    I had no clue! I'm glad I know now! That's what I'll get for sure!
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  • I got my flu shot during my second trimester only because my doctor said flu season is a little later here in Colorado. She said its safe to get anytime! If it makes you feel better to wait, then wait but you may be increasing your chances of getting the flu the longer you wait.
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  • Im to talk to my doc at my visit on tuesday about it, but I think its a pretty smart idea to get it. But to each their own

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  • I got mine at 6 weeks, which my midwife said was fine. I got it also because I work in a hospital that mandates it.
  • I got mine last Thursday at 4w5d- I too work in a hospital and it's required to maintain employment.

    I talked with my RE before getting it just to be sure and the only restriction was that I could not do the mist.
    Our employee health offered mist, intradermal, and intramuscular.  I was told that the intradermal has not been tested for use in pregnant women as it has not been around long enough and that even though both shots were the inactive virus, the intra muscular was the only one recommended for pregnant women.  I received the shot in my left arm and didnt even get a red mark or welt.  Those in my office who got the intradermal had skin reactions, and itchy red swelling at the injection site. 

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  • My OB said he normally would want me to wait until 2nd tri, but since it's flu season now, he wanted me to go ahead and get it ASAP.  So I got it last weekend.  I typically get the flu shot every year though.
  • My OB made a point to tell me to get my flu shot ASAP and that was when I was barely 11 weeks. She told me to be sure to say that I'm pregnant and then they will give me the preservative free shot. I think it's pretty standard for the facility to ask if you are pregnant prior to giving you the shot anyways.

    I've gotten the flu shot every year for 13 years and I only got the flu once - this past February. It was really bad. I was out for a week, completely unable to get out of bed. I think I was exposed to a lot more germs with my class of 36 students. We all passed it around. I don't want to put myself or my baby at risk now that I'm pregnant.

    To each his own, but like others have said -- I'd definitely do my research by consulting medical sources and not make a decision based on the opinions of internet strangers.
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  • My doc said we are waiting until the 2nd trimester
  • I got mine at 5weeks. I think it's fine to get it in the first trimester. Did the same for DD1 and she is fine. Beats having to battle a high fever/flu without meds. But I get how it's nerve wrecking.
  • I got my flu shot last week and recently found out I am pregnant. I am not concerned, but you wait however long you feel comfortable to get yours.



  • got mine at 9 weeks and saw my baby on the screen yesterday, all perfectly intact with no missing pieces (or added extras!). people need to not freak out over the flu jab.



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  • I got mine at work today! I was just disappointed I didn't get a sticker....
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