1st Trimester

Constant queasiness?!

I did not have morning sickness at all with my first, but this time around I literally am sick all day long :( I'm at just the start of my 9th week. I feel like I'm eating small meals and snacks to subside it buy it really never goes away fully, just enough to get me to not actually start physically gagging... It's pretty awful :( any advice or tips? I'm desperate for this to stop

Re: Constant queasiness?!

  • try taking a half of a unisom at night...it sounds strange but it really helps make you feel better the next day:)  it is completely safe to take while pregnant but just take a half:)  good luck...i have days that are better then others!!!
  • I found that sea bands help tremendously, particularly for riding in the car. Also, I pretty much had a mint in my mouth at all times when I wasn't trying to eat snacks to curb the nausea. I'm at almost 11 weeks and it has finally subsided a bit, but there were definitely some rough weeks in there. Good luck and feel better!

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

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  • With my first I never got sick either and this time I got sick every day from 6 weeks until 7.5 months. I drank ginger al and it helped.. And also I took my prenatal pill after I ate lunch to make sure my stomach was full bc if I didn't I noticed it made me sicker..
  • Peppermint candy. They help refresh my mouth and control the nausea. Today I am nauseous, yesterday I wasn't. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

    Drink what you can drink. If you can't stomach water, try juice or ginger ale. Food, have you thought about cheese? Mmmm I have survived on Mac and Cheese for 4 weeks. 

    Try taking walks out in the fresh air. Its not so easy for me though. Its usually in the mid to upper 80's here and walking in a furnace isn't very comforting. 

    If it keeps bugging you, talk to your doctor. 

    BabyFetus Ticker

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  • I am right there with you.   None with my first but now ready to hurl any minute but it never comes.   Cold beverages are what seems to help me.  OJ and smoothies are my preference.  I just sip all day.  I thought the acid of the OJ would give me heartburn, which I had terribly with my first, but so far so good.  Unrelated -- I also had to cut out all caffiene because I was sleeping terribly but refuse to take meds for sleeping. 





  • Thank you so much ladies! I go to the doc on the 29th for my first ultrasound and heartbeat listen (yay!!) so I'm goin to talk to my doctor. I'm also going to try out your remedies! :)
  • I feel your pain. I had it with dd and not ds. With dd I had it at night. This time it is all day.
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
  • I am the same way.....but mostly it's mild nausea all day. I take a Unisom Sleep Melt at night and I also take B6. It's definitely helped. Still queasy from time to time, but no vomiting. Also, sour candies and lemonade have helped, as have ginger crystals dissolved in hot water. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    ** After  2 1/2 years of Unexplained IF, 2 failed medicated cycles, and 4 failed IUI's - our baby girl came to us through the miracle of
     Mini IVF! **

  • Your doc can prescribe zofran or diclegis. I was sick til 6 months with my first and diclegis has been a life saver!
  • I switched my pre natal and have felt so much better

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  • I went to my doctor this week and he doesn't want to prescribe anything in the first trimester... Guess I'm just at square one again. At least it doesn't feel everyday. Hopefully my body is getting over it. Hope you ladies feel better soon!!
  • I'm right there with you! The hardest part for me is not wanting to go anywhere because of constant queasiness and not wanting to lose it in public :S (I work from home). I'm going to try some of your suggestions and maybe start walking more (I've heard mild exercise can help, and it will push me to stop being a hermit lol).
  • Mint tea to sip on and Unisom and B 6 at night!  

    I felt the same way until halfway through week 11!
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