1st Trimester

Light period like bleeding, dr said all looks well

Just was wondering if anyone else out there experienced the same thing? I'm 26 years old at 10 weeks and I've had period like bleeding (not enough to soak a pad, but enough to have to wear one... No severe cramps, clots smaller than the size of a pea, bright/dark red) but I went to the doc, they said the heartbeat looks good, and the baby looks normal. Just wanted to know if any other moms went through this so I know I'm not a weirdo :)

Re: Light period like bleeding, dr said all looks well

  • I had an ultrasound yesterday (10/21) for the follow up because I called and said I was bleeding. My regular appt was on 10/18, heard the heartbeat, they said everything looks good.

    Just panicking because this is my 1st pregnancy, and bleeding during is "usually" a concern.

    Haven't had sex since last Tuesday, and I feel like that's what started it. Dr said nothing strenuous for the next 2 weeks until I hit my 12 week mark just to err on the side of caution.
  • I have had spotting for 4 weeks now due to a subchorionic hematoma. My doc is thinking it will resolve itself and I am on pelvic rest and am not lifting anything heavy. I know how stressful spotting is!! Hang in there and keep is updated. I hope it all resolves soon!
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