1st Trimester

6 weeks, bleeding after sex

I'm 6 weeks 1 day and my husband and I had sex this morning. When I went to the bathroom afterwards, there was some light pink blood in the toilet and on the paper.  I'm still having some light spotting in my underwear an hour or so later, but no cramping or other symptoms.  Is this normal?  We have our first doctor's appointment at the end of the week and I don't want to over-react and go to the ER if this is normal.  But this is my first pregnancy and we tried for 16 months, so I'm really anxious.  Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Re: 6 weeks, bleeding after sex

  • You should mention it to your doctor, as you should any bleeding or spotting, and maybe hold off on intercourse until your next appt, just to be safe.  However, it's not uncommon for this to happen.  There is increased bloodflow to the cervix during pregnancy, which can result in post-intercourse spotting. 

    If it were me, I would probably not go to the ER just yet.  But, I probably would if it got worse or was joined by some other symptoms. 
  • Everyone is different, but when I was pregnant with my daughter his happened a lot. My cervix was just really sensitive I guess.  It hasnt happened this time around though.

    But just bring it up to your doctor...they'll be able to tell you if everything is okay.
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
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  • I posted something about this around the same time (6w). It was pink blood only when I wiped and immediately after sex. Nothing afterwards. No cramping or spotting. I freaked out a little the first time but had an idea it was from sex. So I paid very close attention to the next time we DTD and sure enough it happened again. I came to my own conclusion that it was PROBABLY being caused by sex. But I called my doctor anyways because she told me if I was having any spotting or bleeding to go to the ER. Well I didn't know if this was really necessary. The nurse didn't really go in to great detail as to what was causing it. But told me a little pink is ok and that your vagina is "sensitive" during pregnancy and so sex may cause irritation which could cause bleeding. She did not tell me to go on pelvic rest and then told me what I SHOULD go to the ER for. Your doctor may tell you otherwise. I have stopped bleeding after sex. I am not sure when. But I am 9 weeks tomorrow.

    It's a BOY

  • It happened a couple times to us. For me it was a one-time spotting immediately after when I cleaned up. I'm pretty sure my BMB had a lot of ladies experience this and as long as it wasn't a lot of blood or last more than an hour or two, and especially if it is not accompanied by any pain, it was fine.

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    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
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