1st Trimester

Irregular period-what's the due date?

I had a miscarriage in July. And my periods have been irregular.. Doctor told me to wait to have a couple periods before trying again and so I did. But I'm pregnant again! I'm not sure how many weeks I am because of my irregular cycle! It used to be right on the dot but not anymore! Anyone got any advice or been thru this? Thanks!

Re: Irregular period-what's the due date?

  • They'll go by LMP until you have an ultrasound that can confirm. Unless you were keeping track of your ovulation, there's no reliable way to know until then.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I agree with spacepotatoes.  Even though I was positive that my last period start date was NOT an actual period (mine are always crazy and over the board, and the "period" I experienced had minimal blood) they went by that for about a month.  When I had my first ultrasound (at this point they only had me at 6 weeks) they decided I was actualy closer to 10 based on the size of the baby. What I thought was a period was actually spotting, and that even happened to me around 10 weeks in again.
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  • With my DD my EDD was changed from 6/12 to 6/19 and she wasn't born till 6/26. I used to have very irregular cycles anywhere from 32-55 days. as other posters have said, until they date the pregnancy on an u/s I don't really "believe" my EDD. This time around my EDD is 5.28.14 but I'm fairly positive I ovulated late (sept. 14th) which would put my EDD more like 6.08.14. I have my 1st appt. monday, so hopefully I'll find out if this baby is a may flower or another junebug :)

    #1 DD June 2009
    #2 DS July 2011
    #3 DD June
    CP December 2015
    M/C 8/2016
    Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18


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