1st Trimester

Possible Molar Pregnancy?

Hi ladies,

I hope you're all well!

My question is rather specific, but hopefully someone out there has been through something similar, and hopefully no one thinks my post insensitive (I had about four people tell me I'm a bitch for posting this on the TTC board - I just don't know where to post it... people really seem to hate this question): I miscarried at six weeks and didn't find out until I was supposed to be about 8 weeks along. I had a D&C on August 31st, followed by much sadness. My husband and I wanted to start trying again right away, so about two weeks after the D&C, we resumed TTC. About one week ago, I took a pregnancy test out of habit, and it came back positive. When I went to the Doctor for a blood test, my HCG levels came back above 5,000! It's not possible that I'm any further along than five weeks, but why on Earth would my HCG levels be so high?! My big concern is that it's a molar pregnancy left over from the miscarriage, which I just don't know anything about. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I'm getting seriously worried and I won't know anything until my ultrasound in a week. If the doc was concerned about an MP, they'd get me in right away, right?

Re: Possible Molar Pregnancy?

  • If you had a molar pregnancy it would have shown on the pathology from your D&C.  You wouldnt just find out about it now.  Hcg levels are highly variable, one value doesn't tell you much.  You really need an ultrasound to know what is really going on.

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  • I don't have any experience with this so I don't really know what I'm talking about but here's my guess. Since you had a D&C I would think the odds of a molar pregnancy are really low. Maybe your HCG levels just haven't gone all the way down yet since the D&C so they appear higher than they should be for a 5 week pregnancy. What did your Ob say about your bloodwork? BTW if you spent any time on the TTC board you would know they get VERY upset when you announce a pregnancy there if you're not a regular on the board, nothing personal, it's just very frustrating. I'm sorry about your loss and hope you get some better answers here.
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  • Here's some more info from the American Pregnancy Association https://americanpregnancy.org/duringpregnancy/hcglevels.html Normal HCG levels at 5 weeks range from 18-7000. So your levels are in the normal range. Also it takes 4-6 weeks after a loss for HCG to return to baseline.
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