1st Trimester

Poss. celebrating the end of the first trimester w/ a job offer/ Advice needed.

k1dubk1dub member
edited October 2013 in 1st Trimester
I've been kinda sorta job hunting for about a year now. For various reasons, none of the offers have really been appealing to me so I've stayed put at my job of 2.5 years. I have tons of vacation time and 8 weeks paid maternity here +  bonuses so I'd have to find an amazing job to make me leave.

Monday - get an email from HR at a local tech company. The job would be the head of the department but I turned them down since the commute would be longer.
HR emails me back saying they 'plan to relocate the office to NJ in a years time'. This works because I plan to move to NJ or Rockland County, NY in a years time. Of course, no guarantee that either of us will move.

Tuesday- I reconsider and say yes, have a brief phone convo w/ the HR recruiter who schedules a meeting with my potential boss, the president via Skype. I give them my salary requirements ($25k more than I'm making now) and they don't scoff.

Wednesday/Today - They want to bring me in this week to meet the team. I let HR know I can't because we're short staffed and I have tons of deadlines.
HR lets me know the president can push back his flight if I can come in Monday before 4pm.

Now, there's no guarantee I'll get this job but I'm thinking they want to move quickly. How/when do you tell them you're pregnant? When I get the offer? After I've started?

I'm in NY so I know that if hired, they don't have to pay maternity leave if I'm there under 1 year. However, with the salary bump, it'll be fine.

Re: Poss. celebrating the end of the first trimester w/ a job offer/ Advice needed.

  • I would tell them when you get the offer.  That way, while it may be illegal for them to reneg because of pregnancy, at least you'll both be aware BEFORE you start, rather than having them left feeling lied to if we tell them afterwards.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • I was in a similar situation when I found out I was expecting my first. I had interviewed for a new job and found out I was pregnant shortly afterwards. When the job was offered to me I told them then. My current boss was the first person to know about my pregnancy which is crazy. I think he was shocked but appreciated my openness and honesty.
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  • Okay, that sounds good. I'll wait to tell them until the offer is on the table. In writing.

    Thanks again!
  • In uk and in same situation, 12 weeks an started a new job this week, haven't told them yet and not planning on it until my 12 week probationary period is up coz 1700 went for 200 jobs so I'm lucky to get in this new business. The job isn't high risk so health wise I'll be fine. In the uk the law is that u don't actually need to tell ur employer until 15 weeks before your due date if you don't want to. Just gotta hide my bump! X
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