1st Trimester

6 weeks today and I started getting some yellowish/greenish discharge?

Has anyone else experienced this? I also have an upper respiratory infection so not sure if that's the cause or if I have another infection. It's orderless, no cramping, not much of it. I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow but figured I'd ask you gals as well!

Re: 6 weeks today and I started getting some yellowish/greenish discharge?

  • Infection for sure! Even that yellow

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • could be a uti or a yeast infection. I got them quite regularly with my 1st...

    DH & I 23
    Married: 3/23/13 Together since: 4/11/10
    DD born 4/19/09 after a summer fling after graduation. Not planned
    Dx with Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts July 2010

    TTC since July 2010

    DX with unexplained secondary IF 2012
    BFP Oct 6, 2013
    Confirmation BFP at Dr. Office Oct 7, 2013

    Miscarriage confirmed 10/19/13

    CD 21 full panel blood work 3/18/14 to initiate fertility treatment

    Psalm 34:18 "...The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit..."

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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  • Called the doctor's office his morning and the nurse said its normal as long as there is no itching, pain, foul odor..... ? I will bring it up again during my appt with Doctor in two weeks.
  • Sounds like infection to me too. Yellow can mean yeast. Call you doctor and asked to be tested.
  • I've read a few places that green can happen without infection, but I would keep my eyes open for signs of infection, just in case. 
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